from "Washington Post"

from “Washington Post”

While everyday anti-Semitism has become part of the fabric of Western European life in a way it has not been since the 1930s, the situation in the U.S. is also becoming troubling. I would compare American manifestations of anti-Semitism to ugly boils on the body politic whose poisons have not yet entered the bloodstream.

Here is a survey of anti-Semitism around the U.S. during the Summer of 2014 that is far from complete:

• Jewish comedian Elon Gold, walking home from a Sabbath dinner in Los Angeles with his family, is verbally assaulted by a carload of “Middle Eastern men” shouting “Free Palestine!” and that his children should die. The Los Angeles police treat it as a “hate incident” but not “hate crime.”
• In New York, a carload of Palestinians or Palestinian sympathizers leave their car to assault a Jewish husband and wife, apparently because the man wore a yarmulke.
• In Chicago, a high-profile pro-Israel event featuring Jewish Mayor Rahm Emanuel is partly disrupted by pro-Palestinian protestors, many of them Jewish leftists.
• In Chicago, youngsters styling themselves “the incinerator clan” are given a slap on the wrist for taunting a Jewish eighth graders with a computer ap called “Jew Incinerator.” (more…)