A State Is Born

No, not Palestine. Hamas–recognized by the “New Republic.”

See http://www.newrepublic.com/article/119064/b-yehoshua-israel-should-call-hamas-enemy-not-terrorists

Hamastan–from de facto to de jure–would become the hottest new international lawyers’ IPO, i.e., a state with all the rights and none of the responsibilities of other states.

The next step would be for Israel to arm Hamas–a lucrative franchise–and also an ingenious solution to the problem of sibling rivalry with the Palestinians for the Jewish state. This on the theory that, if you’re younger brother repeatedly hits you in the side of the head with a two-by-four, you should wait until he grows into muscular manhood, and only then try to disarm him or hit him back. That way, your parents (or the international community) will commend your “proportional response.”

Such an approach would also give Cain legal standing to sue Abel for making him brotherless in the International Criminal Court.