Use our searchable database to find legal and background documents for all our cases – from Title VI complaints to legal briefs and more.
These notable cases exemplify the Brandeis Center’s work advancing the civil and human rights of the Jewish people and promoting justice for all. To view a list of all our cases, click here.
Jewish students alleged severe and persistent anti-Semitic harassment and discrimination, resulting in a still-open federal investigation.
LDB sued UC Regents, President, Chancellor and other officials at Berkeley in federal court for the “unchecked spread of anti-Semitism."
LDB and Jewish on Campus, on behalf of Jewish and Israeli students allege severe and persistent anti-Semitic harassment and discrimination by professors and fellow students.
The Brandeis Center has compiled useful white papers on fighting anti-Semitism – and sent dozens of letters to universities highlighting their legal obligations. Along with our surveys, videos, and academic articles, these materials can aid your fight against anti-Semitic harassment and discrimination.