Anti-Semitic Celebs Rain—and Reign—in Spain

100 Spanish celebrities—including Academy Award winners Penelope Cruz and Pedro Almodovar—signed a public letter a letter accusing Israel of genocide.

A week earlier celebrated actor, Javier Bardem, whose speciality is playing psychopathic murderers and villainous hypocrites including a perverted inquisitor turned enlightened dictator, did the same in an newspaper op add explaining: “My son was born in a Jewish hospital because I have Jewish people who are very near and dear to me.” He offered no comment on Hamas using Gaza hospitals to ambush and kill Israeli soldiers whose mothers and fathers are apparently not numbered among those “dear” to him.

It’s 522 years since Ferdinand and Isabella expelled Spanish Jews en masse—requiring they leave their wealth behind—to prevent them from “infecting” Christians with the religious equivalent of Ebola.

Spanish playright, Antonia Gala, declared that—in light of Jewish crimes in Gaza—past expulsions from Western Europe were justified and it’s time for new ones.

Most polls show Spain the most anti-Semitic country in Europe with levels in the sixtieth percentile.
Blogger Hillel Neuer quipped that he is “deeply concerned that violent anti-Israel riots threaten to turn the West Bank into Paris.” Perhaps he should have mentioned Madrid.

In a well-deserved irony of history, the Muslim reconquista of Spain is making great strides, and soon Spanish Christians will have more on the ground to worry about than fanciful Jewish demons.