”Antisemitism in the Ancient Mediterranean? Early Christianity and Anti-Judaism”

Prof. Maurice Samuels

Maurice Samuels

Having just blogged on Charles Small’s impressive offerings through his Institute for Global Antisemitism and Policy, it should be noted that Small’s former university has not been idle.  Maurice Samuels,  the scholar of French and Jewish culture and literature, heads Yale’s new anti-Semitism center, which is known as the Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism (YPSA).  Samuels’ Center has also been conducting interesting conferences. This week, for example, YPSA will present a panel on 
”Antisemitism in the Ancient Mediterranean?  Early Christianity and Anti-Judaism,” featuring several academics with impressive credentials within their respective fields. Details after the jump.


“Antisemitism in the Ancient Mediterranean?  Early Christianity and Anti-Judaism”

Panel featuring:

Dale Martin, Woolsey Professor of Religious Studies, Yale University
 Jörg Frey, Professor, Theological Faculty, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Benjamin Dunning, Associate Professor of Theology, Fordham University 
Wayne Meeks, Woolsey Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies, Yale University
Hindy Najman, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Yale University

(Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism, Department of Religious Studies, Judaic Studies Program, and Whitney Humanities Center)

Made possible by a grant from the Goldhirsh-Yellin Foundation

For more information please see http://ypsa.yale.edu/


Panel Discussion, April 4th at 4pm in the Auditorium of the WHC, 53 Wall St.