Legal Claims Against Brooklyn College

The Brandeis Center filed a Title VI complaint with OCR against Brooklyn College, where Jewish students have been subjected to severe and persistent anti-Semitic harassment from their professors and peers. The OCR complaint describes how professors have maligned Jews on the basis of race and ethnic identity, advancing age-old anti-Semitic tropes concerning Jewish power, conspiracy and control, by endorsing the narrative that Jews are “white” and privileged and therefore contribute to systemic oppression of people of color.  Fellow students also bullied and harassed Jewish students in classes and on social media using the same ethnic stereotypes and tropes that faculty promoted in their courses. Jewish students who challenged these divisive narratives were met with further harassment and intimidation from faculty and administrators, who told students to “get your whiteness in check” and to “keep your head down” rather than challenge the status quo. In this hostile environment, Jewish students are afraid that if they express their views in class or to their peers, they will be further disparaged and harassed by their professors and other students.

Brooklyn College Investigation Announcement – Press Release (2/3/22)

Brooklyn College Complaint (2/28/2021)