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March 1, 2013 LDB Commends Minister Jason Kenney for Hate Week Statement

WASHINGTON, DC, — The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, an American civil rights organization, today commended the Honourable Jason Kenney for his forceful statement condemning international Hate Week. search engine optimize . The Brandeis Center observed that Kenney, the Canadian Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, had once again set an […]

January 1, 1970 University of Michigan Letter Update

The University of Michigan has been working to address several discriminatory incidents against Jewish students at the University of Michigan, including Professor John Cheney-Lippold’s refusal to write a letter of recommendation for a student to study abroad in Israel, a graduate student teaching assistant’s refusal to write a letter of recommendation for the same reason, […]

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January 1, 1970 Brandeis Center Issues New Fact Sheet on Religious Accommodations in the Corporate Workplace

To coincide with the Thanksgiving holiday – and its emphasis on practicing one’s faith freely – the Brandeis Center has issued an important new fact sheet – explaining corporate employees’ legal rights not to be discriminated against because of their religion. . The Pilgrims’ escape from religious persecution in England established deep roots in America’s […]

January 1, 1970 AMCHA Report Concludes Campus Anti-Semitism Evolving in Dangerous Ways

Last month, the AMCHA Initiative released its “Report on Campus Anti-Semitism” for the year of 2017. The AMCHA report analyzed both classic examples of anti-Semitism as well as Israel related incidents, and found that while classic anti-Semitic incidents were more common, Israel-related anti-Semitic incidents were considerably more likely to contribute to a hostile environment for Jewish students. […]

January 1, 1970 I love the Brandeis Center


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January 1, 1970 Free Speech Does Not Include Violence

Re-posted from Camera on Campus.  Anti-Israel demonstration in New York. (Tablet Magazine). As the US Air Force C-17 left Afghan airspace, I allowed myself to relax for a brief moment. My year-long tour in Kabul, Afghanistan was over. Returning home, I thought of those fellow soldiers, including my Command Sergeant Major, who had not been […]

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