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April 21, 2016 Congressional Taskforce Urges Federal Guidance on Anti-Semitism

Yesterday, the Bipartisan Taskforce for Combating Anti-Semitism in the House of Representatives announced the issuance of an important letter from 38 Members of Congress to Secretary of Education John King, Jr. calling for the Department to “identify and distinguish when speech and activity that are critical of Israeli policies become anti-Semitic harassment and intimidation.” Coming […]

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April 16, 2016 Rep. Zeldin Statement Condemning Growing BDS Movement on College Campuses Across America

Washington, DC – Congressman Lee Zeldin, co-chair of the House Republican Israel Caucus and member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement condemning the growing Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement on college campuses across America: “In recent years, there have been far too many incidents of anti-Semitism on college campuses.Just recently, I spoke to a student […]

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April 14, 2016 California LDB Law Students Stand Up Against Injustice

West Coast LDB law students have been influential in fighting against anti-Semitism and standing up against injustice this past month. At the University of California Los Angeles this past Wednesday, LDB law students sent a letter in support of Graduate Student Association (GSA) President Milan Chatterjee, who had been the subject of a wrongful impeachment […]

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April 6, 2016 Selective, Biased and Discriminatory: The American Anthropological Association Task Force Report on Israel-Palestine

AAA Working Paper This document addresses the selective, biased and discriminatory nature of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) Task Force Report (TFR) in respect to Public Health, the ethics of Operation Protective Edge and the effects of cradle-to-grave incitement in Palestinian society. The working paper recommends retraction of the TFR.  We assert that there is a direct […]

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March 31, 2016 Indiana University to Hold Major Anti-Semitism Conference

Starting this weekend, The Institute for the Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism at Indiana University (ISCA) will host its third international scholars conference, from Saturday evening, April 3 through Wednesday, April 7, on “Anti-Zionism, Anti-Semitism, and the Dynamics of Delegitimization.” LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus will chair a panel on Tuesday, April 5, with Shimon Samuels, […]

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March 17, 2016 Alabama and Georgia pass new Anti-BDS Measures

More and more state legislatures are passing measures to combat the Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. The BDS movement seeks to delegitimize the State of Israel, and BDS campaigns on campus often lead to increased incidents of anti-Semitism. In mid-February, Alabama passed a bill condemning the BDS movement, becoming the fifth state […]

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March 15, 2016 LDB Holds Third Annual National Law Student Leadership Conference

On February 21-22, the Louis D. Brandeis Center hosted its third annual National Law Student Leadership Conference in Berkeley, California. The conference brought together 26 law student leaders from 14 law schools across the country, and educated these students on topics including civil rights law; international law and the Arab-Israeli Conflict; international anti-Semitism and the European […]

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