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January 28, 2016 Hitler’s Presence Online

The Israeli Students Combating Anti-Semitism (ISCA), a project by The National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS), recently released a media report examining Adolf Hitler’s presence online. They noted that glorifying Hitler is “a widespread trend” on the internet, with a wide range of content promoting Hitler’s ideology readily available on national-socialist, neo-Nazi, and white supremacist […]

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January 28, 2016 AAU Opposes Boycotts of Israeli Academic Institutions

On January 14, 2016, the Board of Directors of the Association of American Universities reissued a 2013 statement opposing boycotts of Israeli academic institutions. The statement proclaims that “any such boycott of academic institutions directly violates academic freedom, which a fundamental principle of AAU universities and of American higher education in general.” The AAU reissued […]

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January 19, 2016 Legislators Introduce California and New York Anti-BDS Bills

On January 8th, Senators Simcha Felder and Jack Martins introduced a bill into the New York State senate that would forbid New York from offering contracts to companies that support the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement against Israel, and against any companies otherwise boycotting, divesting, or sanctioning Israel.  Likewise, the Jerusalem Post reported that on January 4 […]

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January 5, 2016 The Academic Council for Israel Anti-BDS Petition

The Louis D. Brandeis Center is joining with the Academic Council for Israel (ACFI) and other groups on this important petition. Please Join More than 400 of Us in Signing This Anti-BDS Petition Join more than 100 of your academic colleagues in opposing anti-Israel BDS resolutions being considered or already voted on by some academic […]

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December 31, 2015 EU Labeling Guidelines Stir Global Controversy, Rest on Shaky Legal Foundations

The new EU labeling policy calling for special labelling for Israeli goods related to “settlements,” as well as other restrictions and outright exclusions on some such products, has stirred up a global controversy and left many in the Jewish and international community greatly concerned. On November 29, the Guardian reported that Israel had suspended contact […]

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December 18, 2015 Feds Seek Diversity in Middle East Studies Programs

The Department of Education has started requiring universities that receive federal funding for Middle East Studies centers to report on how their programs are including diverse perspectives and a wide range of views.  This is a very important first step to ensure that Middle East Studies programs do not succumb to political one-sidedness.  For several years, […]

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December 9, 2015 LDB Urges University of Central Florida To Publicly Condemn Anti-Semitic Postings

Today, LDB joined the AMCHA Initiative and 32 other organizations issuing a letter in response to a series of anti-Semitic stickers and flyers that were found at the University of Central Florida (UCF) campus. The letter urges UCF President John C. Hitt to publicly condemn the postings as blatant acts of anti-Semitism, publicly commit to educating university […]

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December 4, 2015 Students Supporting Israel at Indian University Passes Resolution Adopting the U.S State Department Definition of Anti-Semitism in Student Government.

On Tuesday, December 2, Students Supporting Israel at Indian University passed a resolution in its student government that adopts the United States’ State Department’s Definition of Anti-Semitism. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that the resolution passed at the Student Association Congress meeting by a vote of 22-6, with six abstentions. The resolution states that, “the Indiana […]

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