August 23, 2014 Historians Against Isrel Recovering leftist scholar Ron Radosh calls the new anti-Israel petition signed by hundreds of anti-Israel historians in the U.S., with an added list of “international” fellow travelers, “Historians for Hamas.” I recognized only about ten names, but I’m no longer really plugged into the organized profession, and I’m sure the signers are representative of a […] Anti-Zionism Blog
August 22, 2014 Organizations Sign Statement Against Assault on a Student at Temple University We are deeply troubled by the physical assault against a Jewish student at Temple University. A CAMERA Fellow and member of the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, was punched in the face and knocked down and called “baby-killer, racist, Zionist pig” by individuals at the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) table that was part of […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 13, 2014 Historical Amnesia Facilitates Shameful Behavior The death of Lauren Bacall, the last of World War II’s pinup girls, reminds us of how far distant that era is becoming. The WWII generation of men and women failed to prevent the Holocaust, but their rhetoric and actions prevented Hitler from completing it. The contrast with today is palpable. In 1941, before Pearl […] Anti-Zionism Blog
August 13, 2014 Brandeis Center Joins AMCHA Criticism of UAW 2865’s BDS Statement Yesterday, the Brandeis Center joined the AMCHA Initiative and ten other groups writing to University of California President Janet Napolitano to condemn a statement by the joint council of the UAW 2865 union announcing the union’s intent to support the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The UAW 2865 represents teaching assistants, […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 8, 2014 UC Santa Barbara: The Brandeis Center Helps Reverse a Hostile Environment for Jewish Students As the University of California Santa Barbara’s student senate voted down an anti-Israel divestment measure in 2013, this campus seethed with anti-Semitic activity. The Student Advocate General – whose job is to educate students about their rights as members of the campus community – said on the floor of the student senate: “Israel is harvesting […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 7, 2014 Updating Agathie Christie: It Was Twelve Jews on the Orient Express Who Murdered Cinderella, Presumably to Make Her Blood Into Matzah From the “Forward”: French Senator Nathalie Goulet of the Union of Democrats and Independents party made the endorsement on Twitter earlier this week, reported, in posting on her account the images of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bludgeoning a dying Pinocchio. The picture also showed Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni stabbing Cinderella and former […] Anti-Zionism Blog
August 4, 2014 More Reflections on the Gaza War Through a Glass Darkly Is this the first war in human history—recent evidence shows that wars were also integral to prehistory—in which the measure of “justice” is how close you can conform your military operations to the civilian-free casualties inflicted by the “good guys” who play video games? Did you know that around 20,000 French civilians were killed in […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 4, 2014 J’Accuse: The World Needs to “Impose a Solution”—on France—for it Betrayal of French Jewry and the Values of French Civilization According to French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, “the world needs to impose a solution” on Israel to achieve Mideast peace. Of course, he gave lip service to “Israel security” without any concrete suggestions for curbing Hamas’ genocidal campaign against the Jewish state. He wants a two state solution—without any expression of concern that, unless the […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 4, 2014 “Moral Equivalency” vs. “Romantic Primitivism” I demur from those friends of Israel whose favorite mantra is that western media is guilty of “moral equivalency” for putting premeditated deaths which Hamas imposes not only on Israelis but its own people (including scores executed as “traitors” and thousands used as human shields) with the actions of the Israeli military that produce unintended […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 3, 2014 Why Do Europeans Increasingly Hate Israel? Why does European opinion increasingly hate Israel? I think some reconsiderations may be in order. One starting point is to take seriously, at least up to a point, what post-modern European elites claim about their motives. First, anti-Semitism or Jew hatred is of course operative widely in Europe. But it is not wise to reify […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog