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December 18, 2014 Global Double Standards

It’s unacceptable for Sony Studios to allow audiences to see a comedy making fun of North Korea’s Kim Jung Un, but de rigeur for the Taliban to force Pakistani students to see their teacher burned alive. It’s bad taste for ISIS to behead innocents in Iraq and Syria, but not “terrorist” for Hamas to murder […]

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December 18, 2014 Another Double (or Triple) Standard

Pressured by the authorities, Chabad in Australia has snuffed out its 30-year tradition of lighting a 33-foot Menorah in downtown Sydney. Santa Claus may also be put under wraps, but there are no plans to ban the erection of two large Christmas trees. One wonders whether Muslims in Australia will face any such restrictions come […]

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December 18, 2014 UC’s Moment of Truth

The University of California—once home of the legendary Free Speech Movement—has an academic freedom problem. Earlier this year, we witnessed Nicholas Dirks, Chancellor of UC-Berkeley, co-opt the anniversary of Berkeley’s Free Speech Movement to emphasize the limits that “civility” might, in his view, properly impose on freedom of speech. Now comes a new threat to […]

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November 10, 2014 Max Blumenthal And The Nation’s Standards

Over the weekend, I was alerted to a tweet posted by Max Blumenthal, who announced that “.@thenation decided @eric_alterman’s promotion of far-rightist painting me as anti-Semite ‘did not meet…standards’.” The tweet was accompanied by a screenshot showing an “Editor’s Note” that can be found under one of Eric Alterman’s recent posts at his regular Nation […]

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November 7, 2014 The Hamas Book Club

Writing shortly after the publication of Max Blumenthal’s anti-Israel screed “Goliath” a year ago, Eric Alterman noted that it would be “no exaggeration to say that this book could have been published by the Hamas Book-of-the-Month Club (if it existed).” As demonstrated at yesterday’s rather lavish “Palestine Book Awards ceremony 2014” in London – honoring, […]

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