April 11, 2013 BDS Fail at University of California at Santa Barbara After an epic battle, pro-Israel students have just scored an upset victory against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, defeating a hard-fought anti-Israel divestment resolution at the University of California at Santa Barbara. These battles are now much closer than they were just a few years ago, as the BDS movement had recently scored victories […] Anti-Zionism Blog
April 10, 2013 Petition Against Anti-Israel Bullying and Bigotry on Campus A group called “Students Against Bigotry” is circulating this petition against “anti-Israel bullying and bigotry on campus.” The campaign for a boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel often degenerates into hatred and smears. We oppose harassment, bigotry and bullying against any group. The petition may be found here, and its text is shown below. STUDENTS […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 7, 2013 Scholars for Peace in the Middle East Conduct Anti-BDS Petition Drive Scholars for Peace in the Middle East SPME is circulating a faculty Petition to Condemn Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Against Israel. The timing is important, as the BDS movement has recently scored a rare string of victories in North America. Student governments have lately passed anti-Israel BDS resolutions at the University of California campuses at […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 6, 2013 Irish Teachers’ Union Votes to Bar Israeli Scholars The Teachers’ Union of Ireland, which represents Irish secondary and post-secondary school teachers and lecturers, has voted at its annual meeting to boycott all academic collaboration with Israel, as the Jewish Chronicle (U.K.) reports. The Union’s new resolution steps up its campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions against what it calls “the apartheid state of […] Anti-Zionism Blog
April 5, 2013 Iran’s Incitement to Genocide Against Israel Columnist Michael Gerson has an interesting Washington Post opinion piece arguing that Iran may be culpable for incitement to genocide against Israel under international criminal law. This is not a new argument. We have made the same argument here and here and elaborated on some of the technical issues here. Mitt Romney famously endorsed the argument […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 3, 2013 Decision Postponed in Al Dura Case Historian Richard Landes (Boston University) announces on his Augean Stables web site that the French court has delayed its decision on the Enderlin-Karsenty trial until May 22. This case concerns the extraordinary al Dura hoax, which has been used to foment anti-Semitic antagonism throughout the world. Philippe Karsenty, a party to the case, offers the message […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog Litigation
April 2, 2013 David Hirsh on the English Academic Anti-Semitism Case, Fraser vs. UCU David Hirsh, the English sociologist, has just circulated a “preliminary response” to the UK Employment Tribunal’s controversial decision in the academic anti-Semitism case, Fraser vs. UCU. Hirsh’s piece was initially posted to the Engage website, an important English online journal which opposes the BDS movement. Hirsh, who occupies a politically interesting position as both a […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
March 31, 2013 Which is the Englishman Here, and Which the Jew? Or Is It the Zionist? Judges on a UK Employment Tribunal have dismissed as “not well-founded” Ronnie Fraser’s case against the University & College Union (UCU) for “institutional anti-Semitism.” The UCU’s shameful track record: passing an assembly line of inflammatory anti-Israel resolutions that, in effect, created a hostile environment in which union members like Fraser sympathetic to Zionism were demonized […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
March 29, 2013 BDS ORIGINS—REMOTE AND RECENT President Harry S. Truman, a history buff, said: “The only thing new in the world is the history you don’t know.” As a professional historian, I confess to an occupational affliction, which might be called “the obsession with origins,” that is a more sophisticated version of Truman’s aphorism. This causes me, like many of my […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
March 29, 2013 EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNAL SANCTIONS ANTISEMITISM Employment Tribunal Sanctions Anti-Semitism Lesley Klaff Having just finished reading the lengthy judgment in the case of Ronnie Fraser v The University and College Union, I want to comment briefly on the Employment Tribunal’s response to the allegation of anti-Semitism in the UCU; and to the claim that Israel is a non-contingent aspect of Jewish […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog Litigation