September 26, 2016 California Governor Signs Anti-BDS Bill This weekend brings more good news from the Sunshine State. A month ago, the California legislature passed Assembly Bill 2844 – an anti-BDS bill – requiring public entities and state agencies to certify that they have not created policies that discriminate against any sovereign nation by violating state civil rights under the Unruh Civil Rights […] Anti-BDS Laws Blog
September 19, 2016 U.S. Department of Education to Track Religious Harassment For several years, the Brandeis Center has urged changes in how the Department of Education (ED) collects data that would help to protect religious groups from discrimination. ED has finally agreed to do so. Commenting on the new development, LDB’s Kenneth L. Marcus said, “We commend ED for adopting this new policy, in line with the Brandeis […] Blog
September 13, 2016 U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum supports IHRA definitions on anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial This past week the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C united with scores of institutions and nations in taking up the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definitions of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. The announcement of support came after a High Level Forum on Global Antisemitism hosted by the United Nations. The […] Anti-Semitism Blog
September 2, 2016 The Brandeis Center Responds to Departure of UCLA Graduate Student Leader Earlier this week, UCLA law student and former Graduate Student Association (GSA) President Milan Chatterjee announced his intention to leave UCLA and finish his studies at New York University School of Law. This announcement came after Chatterjee had been subjected to nearly 10 months of harassment by anti-Israel activists in the Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) […] Anti-Zionism Blog
September 1, 2016 UCLA: No place for Jews? UCLA Chancellor Block’s assertion that BDS ‘isn’t going to be sustained’ on this campus’ has never appeared to be anything but lip service as UCLA succumbs to a virulent form of anti-Semitism that has a Hindu in its cross-hairs. Blog
September 1, 2016 German Students Take a Stand Against BDS This historic resolution came into effect following a speech by Professor Lori Allen, of the University of London. Promoting her book, ‘The Rise and Fall of Human Rights: Cynicism and Politics in Occupied Palestine,’ as Benjamin Weinthal of Jpost reports , pronounced support for a boycott of Israel and minimized the impact of terrorism on […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 31, 2016 All the Brandeis Center information in 140 characters or less The Louis D. Brandeis Center is excited to announce that we have a brand new Twitter account! Find us at @brandeiscenter, where there will be links to our blogs and publications, and up to the minute communications on all the latest in litigation and campus activity in the fight against anti-Semitism. Our new account supplements […] Blog
August 31, 2016 Dreams Deferred: A Concise Guide to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict & the Movement to Boycott Israel Cary Nelson has published his latest book Dreams Deferred: A Concise Guide to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict & the Movement to Boycott Israel. Nelson is a professor of English at University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign and has published a wide array of works, Dreams Deferred marking his second book after The Case Against Academic Boycotts of […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 29, 2016 New Jersey and California Join the Fight Against BDS With Governor Chris Christie’s signature last week, New Jersey became at least the 12th state to embrace anti-BDS legislation. The bill passed with an overwhelming majority in the state’s General Assembly at the end of July (69-3, with two abstentions) and had unanimously passed the state Senate in May. Days later California added its own […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 25, 2016 LDB Responds to UC Irvine’s SJP Decision and Calls for Stronger Action On Friday, the UC Irvine Office of Student Conduct announced that it had concluded a three-month investigation into an aggressive and disruptive incident on the UCI campus last May. The incident involved an anti-Israel mob that disrupted a small event held by a Jewish student group on campus. The angry mob of about 50 students blocked the […] Blog