June 15, 2015 Brandeis Center Receives Four Members Once again, the Brandeis Center is pleased to welcome three new members to the team and welcome back an intern from last summer. The new members are law clerks Corey Celt and Jacky Beda and communications intern Ilan Kaplan. Our returning communications intern is Steven Isaacson. Jacky Beda is currently a rising 2L at […] Blog
June 15, 2015 Controversial Course at University of Missouri Cancelled On Wednesday, June 10, the University of Missouri announced that it was canceling a controversial class planned for Fall 2015. The class was widely contested by pro-Israel organizations and students. George P. Smith, a biology professor at University of Missouri and extreme anti-Zionist was preparing to teach a course entitled “Perspectives on Zionism,” an ironic […] Anti-Semitism Blog Anti-Zionism
June 12, 2015 From Murder to Museums: Recent Cases and Ethical Considerations in Nazi Looted Art New York lawyers may be interested in this upcoming Continuing Legal Education opportunity provided by the New York County Lawyers’ Association: Tuesday, June 16, 2015, 6:00 PM – 7:40 PM Member Price: $50 Non-Member Attorney Price: $75 Intended Audience: Non-attorneys (No CLE) may attend FREE. RSVP to eberezinsky@nycla.org Location: 2nd Floor Auditorium Course ID: C061615 […] Blog Anti-Semitism
June 10, 2015 New Congressional Legislation Aimed at Countering BDS The vote on the Trade Promotion Authority bill (“TPA”) is still up in the air. Having already passed through the Senate, the House will vote on the bill in the coming weeks. Hill Republicans and President Obama support the “fast track” legislation, which would help finalize a major Pacific trade accord with the Pacific rim. […] Anti-Semitism Blog Anti-Zionism
June 10, 2015 Canada’s Important Resolution on Anti-Semitism Canada has just passed a resolution that defines and prioritizes combating anti-Semitism. In an article for the Jerusalem Post, Irwin Cotler, former justice minister and current MP of the Canadian parliament, discussed the importance of such a resolution. Last February, Cotler and Jason Kenney, the minister of multiculturalism, presented the resolution to Canada’s House of […] Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism Blog
June 9, 2015 Zivotofsky: A Victory for the Executive Branch In 2002, Congress passed Section 214(d) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, which permitted American Citizens born in Jerusalem to identify on their passport that they were born in Israel. Since the passing of the statute, the State Department has refused to enforce the law, and lists only “Jerusalem” on its passports. In a 6-3 […] Blog Anti-Zionism Litigation
June 8, 2015 Divestment Resolution Passed at UC Davis After a long semester of anti-Semitism on North American college campuses, the Student Senate at UC Davis has voted overwhelmingly to pass an Israel divestment resolution, by a final vote of 10-0, with two abstentions. This is not the first resolution that the students of UC Davis have passed, however. Earlier in the semester, on […] Blog Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism
June 8, 2015 LDB Makes Higher Education Act Case to Congressional Staffers Washington, D.C., (June 8, 2015) – On Wednesday, Brandeis Center President Kenneth L. Marcus and Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) President Sarah Stern educated congressional staff and others on the history, current status, and problems of Title VI of the Higher Education Opportunities Act. This year, the failed government program, which funds many controversial […] Anti-Semitism Blog Anti-Zionism
June 1, 2015 BDS Defeated at Washington Supreme Court In a major setback to the BDS campaign, the Washington State Supreme court reversed a lower court’s ruling yesterday and struck down the state’s anti-SLAPP statute as unconstitutional. The Olympia Food Co-op, based in Olympia, Washington, provides “wholesome foods and other goods and services . . . through a locally oriented, collectively managed, not-for-profit cooperative […] Blog Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism Litigation
May 31, 2015 Illinois State Legislature approves an Anti-BDS bill For several months now, the U.S. government has been conducting a substantial amount of necessary work on fighting anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism. At the end of March, Congress created a Bipartisan Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism, based on the Department of State’s definition of anti-Semitism. The State Department’s definition, which currently is used only for international […] Blog