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August 15, 2014 Bottom Line on Existential Threats to Israel

Carline Glick, deputy managing editor of the “Jerusalem Post,” masterfully analyzes the rising tide of global anti-Semitism, but then concludes: “Israel’s problem today is not the anti-Semitism of Western societies. It is the hostility of the Obama administration. . . . whereas David Cameron felt compelled by domestic political realities to turn on Israel, Obama […]

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August 14, 2014 From the Depths

Paris’ sewers are no longer subterranean. They now surge through the streets befouling with a grotesque parody of multiculturalism a city whose architecture is still First World but, in terms of human capital or the lack thereof, is now irreversibly becoming part of the worst of the Third World. The Iranian people, if given the […]

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August 14, 2014 South Africa After Mandela: No Longer A Safe Place for Jews

Israel made great efforts to cultivate newly independent Africa starting with Ghana in 1957. But after most African countries succumbed to the 1973-1974 Arab oil embargo, and broke diplomatic relations with Israel, the Jewish state upgraded relations with the Pretoria regime without endorsing Apartheid which it continued to denounce. Progressive Jews like Helen Suzman and […]

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August 13, 2014 FDR, Obama, and the Past and Future of Global Liberalism

Barack Obama entered the presidency with millennial expectations—fed by analogies between the Great Depression and the new Great Recession—that he would be “another Lincoln” or, more often, “another FDR.” “Newsweek” even photoshopped an image of the two on its cover. I don’t think it needs much elaborating that, neither at home nor abroad, has Obama […]

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August 13, 2014 Brandeis Center Joins AMCHA Criticism of UAW 2865’s BDS Statement

Yesterday, the Brandeis Center joined the AMCHA Initiative and ten other groups writing to University of California President Janet Napolitano to condemn a statement by the joint council of the UAW 2865 union announcing the union’s intent to support the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The UAW 2865 represents teaching assistants, […]

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August 13, 2014 What Flies Around Comes Around

Recently, the U.S. FAA broke new ground diplomatically by embargoing flights to Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport in a move that did more harm to the Jewish state than thousands of Hamas rockets. Now, the FAA has had to act at home by declaring “a no fly zone” over Ferguson, Missouri, to promote unfettered law enforcement […]

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August 13, 2014 A State Is Born

No, not Palestine. Hamas–recognized by the “New Republic.” See Hamastan–from de facto to de jure–would become the hottest new international lawyers’ IPO, i.e., a state with all the rights and none of the responsibilities of other states. The next step would be for Israel to arm Hamas–a lucrative franchise–and also an ingenious solution to […]

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