April 9, 2016 LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus at StandWithUs Counter-BDS Conference LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus will be speaking at the StandWithUs Counter-BDS Conference in Los Angeles on April 9-11. Events
April 7, 2016 Professor Eugene Kontorovich at Harvard Law School On Thursday, April 7, Professor Eugene Kontorovich of Northwestern University Law School will speak to LDB students at Harvard Law School on State Anti-BDS Laws. Events
April 5, 2016 LDB President Marcus at ISCA Conference On Tuesday, April 5, LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus will chair a panel on anti-Semitism at the Indiana University Institute for the Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism’s (ISCA) third international scholars conference. Events
April 5, 2016 Terrorist Incitement on the Internet On Tuesday, April 5, Professor Alexander Tsesis of Loyola University Chicago Law School will speak to the LDB law student chapter at the University of California at Berkeley on the topic of, “Terrorist Incitement on the Internet.” Events
April 4, 2016 Implementing the Law against Lone Attackers – The Israel National Police Perspective The current Chief Legal Advisor to the Israeli National Police, BG Shaul Gordon, will be speaking to the LDB Law Student Chapters at Harvard University Events
March 31, 2016 Harvard LDB Law Student Chapter Launch On Thursday, March 31, LDB Staff Attorney Aviva Vogelstein will travel to Cambridge, Massachusetts, to launch the 18th (“chai”) LDB law student chapter at Harvard University. Events
March 30, 2016 Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights in cases concerning anti-Semitism At CUNY Law School on Wednesday, March 30, Dr. Aleksandra Gliszcznska-Grabias will speak on, “Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights in cases concerning anti-Semitism.” Events
March 30, 2016 Free Speech in the Age of the Internet On Wednesday, March 30, Professor Alex Tsesis of Chicago – Loyola School of Law will speak to the LDB law student chapter at the University of Minnesota on the topic of, “Free Speech in the Age of the Internet.” Events
March 29, 2016 Making Dollars or Making Change: BigLaw, Human Rights, and the Purposeful Lawyer LDB President Marcus will address the LDB chapter at the University of Chicago Law School on Tuesday, March 29. He will speak on the topic of “Making Dollars or Making Change: BigLaw, Human Rights, and the Purposeful Lawyer.” Events
March 28, 2016 The Case for Academic Freedom Against BDS On Monday, March 28, Prof. Jacobson will address the Chicago-Loyola LDB Law Student Chapter on the topic of “The Case for Academic Freedom Against BDS.” Events