February 6, 2019 Federal Judge: Plaintiffs suing American Studies Association over BDS “may have meritorious claims,” but must file in state court In December 2013, the American Studies Association (ASA) became the first, and so far the only, major American academic association to adopt the academic boycott of Israel, part of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). Media Coverage Press Room
January 21, 2019 WHY PROHIBITING BOYCOTTS OF ISRAEL DOES NOT VIOLATE FREEDOM OF SPEECH The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is campaigning against existing and proposed federal and local laws that would deter boycotts of Israel popularized by the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement (BDS). Their argument is that requiring all businesses who want to contract with the state to certify that they do not engage in a boycott of Israel violates the free speech clause of the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Media Coverage Press Room
January 18, 2019 Mixed Reactions after Prosecution Efforts at UCLA and UCI Organized disruptors — both students and non-students — who shut down a pro-Israel gathering at University of California Los Angeles in May 2018 might not be prosecuted, according to information from LA City Attorney Mike Feuer’s office. Instead, they will be called to a confidential but mandatory proceeding called a “City Attorney Hearing,” an alternative to prosecution which can be described as a “warning” not to repeat the conduct. One legal expert compared it to a “deferred prosecution,” but stressed a full trial could still result. Media Coverage Press Room
November 26, 2018 Training attorneys to combat rising threat of anti-Semitism JIGSAW – “Justice Initiative Guiding Student Activists Worldwide” – is the brainchild of Alyza Lewin, president of the Louis D. Brandeis Center. She explains the reason she introduced JIGSAW. Media Coverage Press Room
November 21, 2018 New initiative equips law students with legal tools to fight rising antisemitism The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, in conjunction with Hasbara Fellowships, on Friday, Nov. 2 launched JIGSAW Initiative, a innovative pilot program to train law students to combat and prevent resurgent antisemitism. Media Coverage Press Room
November 4, 2018 Advocacy Group Pioneering ‘Revolutionary Approach’ in Fighting Anti-Semitism The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, in conjunction with Hasbara Fellowships, on Friday launched the innovative JIGSAW Initiative, an unprecedented pilot program to train law students to combat and prevent resurgent anti-Semitism. Media Coverage Press Room
November 2, 2018 Brandeis Center launches initiative to train law students to fight anti-Semitism In the aftermath of the Oct. 27 shooting at the Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha Synagogue in Pittsburgh, a new initiative was launched on Friday for law students to fight anti-Semitism. Media Coverage Press Room
November 2, 2018 It’s Not Just Dumb Neo-Nazis, It’s Your Smart College Student: Anti-Semitism Spikes Most in Colleges In the wake of the Pittsburgh synagogue mass murder, Americans have realized anti-Semitism is definitely on the rise. Some people hear about this bigotry here in America and they tend to blame people on the Right. But often it’s coming from the Left and many times these days it’s right on college campuses. Media Coverage Press Room
November 1, 2018 Pro-Israel Groups Urge U-Mich to Crack Down on Academic Boycotts Pro-Israel groups StandWithUs, The Lawfare Project and the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, penned a letter to University of Michigan President Mark Schlissel and the university’s board of regents, urging the administration to crack down on academic boycotts of Israel among faculty members. Media Coverage Press Room
October 28, 2018 The Louis D. Brandeis Center Condemns the Anti-Semitic Synagogue Shooting in Pittsburgh, PA Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with the Squirrel Hill Jewish community and the families of the victims of the horrific anti-Semitic shooting that took place yesterday at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Media Coverage Press Room