July 22, 2016 Another Anti-BDS Lawsuit Filed It’s been a rough year for the American Studies Association (“ASA”), legally speaking. Media Coverage Press Room
July 14, 2016 Here We Go Again: Another Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestine Deadlock at UC Irvine As Hillel International and the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law continue to push for a strong response from UC Irvine administrators to a May 18 incident, when more than 50 protesters allegedly threatened 10 Jewish and pro-Israel students, campus officials say they are still investigating. Media Coverage Press Room
June 26, 2016 Successful Appeal Against NYU Grad Student BDS Motion Has Great Implications in Fight Against Global Anti-Israel Movement, Say Leaders of Campaign A successful appeal against New York University’s (NYU) Graduate Student Union’s (GSOC) motion in support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has great implications in the fight against the global anti-Israel movement, students who led the appeal campaign told The Algemeiner on Friday. Media Coverage Press Room
June 21, 2016 Fear of Reprisal Leads UC Davis Administration to Capitulate to Violent Anti-Israel Students, Say Pro-Israel Campus Activists The administration at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) has capitulated to violent and disruptive anti-Israel student groups — as seen through its weak response to recent anti-Israel campus activities — out of fear of their reprisal, members of the pro-Israel community at UC Davis said this week. Media Coverage Press Room
June 21, 2016 Students’ Society of McGill University Labels BDS “Unconstitutional” The Judicial Board of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) recently declared in a board decision, called a “Reference,” that BDS and “similar motions” are “unconstitutional.” Media Coverage Press Room
June 20, 2016 Antisemitism Expert: Nazi Relics Sold at German Auction Highlight Growing Far-Right Obsession With Holocaust Revival The popularity of a recent controversial auction in Germany, which sold relics belonging to high-level Nazi officials, highlights a growing obsession on the part of the far-Right to revive its connection with the perpetrators of the Holocaust, a leading antisemitism expert told The Algemeiner on Monday. Media Coverage Press Room
June 3, 2016 31 Countries Adopt New Definition of Anti-Semitism that Includes Anti-Zionism Thirty one countries voted to adopt a new working definition of anti-Semitism last week, a move hailed by human rights activists as an important milestone in countering hatred. Media Coverage Press Room
June 2, 2016 Painful Lessons from the 75th Anniversary Commemorations of the Farhud June 1-2 is the 75th Anniversary of the 1941 Farhud pogrom, the pro-Nazi Arab attempt to exterminate the Jews of Baghdad. Hundreds were murdered, raped, and many Jewish homes and business looted and burned during a two-day orgy of hate and violence orchestrated by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini. Media Coverage Press Room
June 2, 2016 Human Rights Activists Celebrate Multi-Country Adoption of New Definition of Antisemitism Human rights activists told The Algemeiner on Wednesday why they consider last week’s adoption by 31 countries of a new working definition of antisemitism to be a major step towards combating the reemerging phenomenon. Media Coverage Press Room
June 1, 2016 IHRA Adopts Definition of Anti-Semitism Last week, on May 26, 2016, the 31 member nations of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), under Romanian Chairmanship, officially adopted the “IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism.” This important decision has made the IHRA the first international body to formally adopt such a definition. Media Coverage Press Room