August 5, 2016 Canadian Jewish Student Group Files Discrimination Complaint On August 3, Hasbara Fellowships Canada, a pro-Israel campus activism organization and the country’s largest grassroots campus advocacy organization, announced that a complaint had been filed with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal against both the Student Association and the Faculty Association of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) and Durham College. Media Coverage Press Room
July 29, 2016 Campus anti-Semitism Surges in 2016 2016 is unfolding as another unsettling year for Jewish students across U.S. college campuses. According to a report released this week by the AMCHA Initiative, anti-Semitic activities have surged over the past six months. Media Coverage Press Room
July 29, 2016 LDB Welcomes Intern Daniella Hovsha LDB welcomes Daniella Hovsha, who will be joining the organization as a Civil Rights Communications & Development Intern for Fall 2016. Media Coverage Press Room
July 27, 2016 National Lawyers Guild Sued for Discrimination On July 13, New York attorney David Abrams filed a complaint against the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), on behalf of an Israeli organization, Bibliotechnical Athenaeum. Media Coverage Press Room
July 26, 2016 Antisemitism Expert: WikiLeaks ‘Knew What It Was Doing’ When Invoking Antisemitic Tropes on Twitter (INTERVIEW) Denials by WikiLeaks that it knowingly posted an antisemitic message on social media should not be believed, an expert told The Algemeiner on Monday. Media Coverage Press Room
July 22, 2016 Another Anti-BDS Lawsuit Filed It’s been a rough year for the American Studies Association (“ASA”), legally speaking. Media Coverage Press Room
July 14, 2016 Here We Go Again: Another Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestine Deadlock at UC Irvine As Hillel International and the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law continue to push for a strong response from UC Irvine administrators to a May 18 incident, when more than 50 protesters allegedly threatened 10 Jewish and pro-Israel students, campus officials say they are still investigating. Media Coverage Press Room
June 26, 2016 Successful Appeal Against NYU Grad Student BDS Motion Has Great Implications in Fight Against Global Anti-Israel Movement, Say Leaders of Campaign A successful appeal against New York University’s (NYU) Graduate Student Union’s (GSOC) motion in support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has great implications in the fight against the global anti-Israel movement, students who led the appeal campaign told The Algemeiner on Friday. Media Coverage Press Room
June 21, 2016 Fear of Reprisal Leads UC Davis Administration to Capitulate to Violent Anti-Israel Students, Say Pro-Israel Campus Activists The administration at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) has capitulated to violent and disruptive anti-Israel student groups — as seen through its weak response to recent anti-Israel campus activities — out of fear of their reprisal, members of the pro-Israel community at UC Davis said this week. Media Coverage Press Room
June 21, 2016 Students’ Society of McGill University Labels BDS “Unconstitutional” The Judicial Board of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) recently declared in a board decision, called a “Reference,” that BDS and “similar motions” are “unconstitutional.” Media Coverage Press Room