March 21, 2019 Appreciation to Pitzer College President Melvin Oliver LDB was pleased to sign on to the following letter commending Pitzer President Melvin Oliver for his stance against an academic boycott of Israel. Blog Free Speech and Academic Freedom
October 15, 2017 University of California University of California President Mark Yudof, under fire for allegedly tolerating an atmosphere hostile to Jewish students on some UC campuses… Free Speech and Academic Freedom
October 15, 2017 U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has provided guidance on the relationship between the First Amendment and federal civil rights law as they apply to federally funded educational institutions. Free Speech and Academic Freedom
October 15, 2017 Scholars for Peace in the Middle East Legal Task Force Acknowledgement: Scholars for Peace in the Middle East and the Legal Taskforce wish to thank the Achelis and Bodeman Foundations for their generous support of this project. Free Speech and Academic Freedom
October 15, 2017 Harvard University Boycott Earlier this summer the University and College Union (UCU), an organization of British academics, proposed a boycott of Israeli universities and academics, a proposal to be voted on by their membership in the coming months. Free Speech and Academic Freedom
February 3, 2015 Former Harvard President Larry Summers on Academic Freedom and Anti-Semitism Remarks of Lawrence H. Summers Columbia Center for Law and Liberty January 29, 2015: I am delighted to help inaugurate this forum on academic freedom. Academic freedom is essential if universities are to succeed in their missions of creating and disseminating knowledge. Universities excel when they are governed by the authority of ideas rather than […] Free Speech and Academic Freedom Blog Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism
January 20, 2015 University of Chicago and Free Speech on Campus Earlier this month, the University of Chicago released a praiseworthy update to its policy on freedom of speech. The policy protects free academic discourse and speakers’ rights to address controversial topics, while also setting forth principles about students’ responsibilities to respect guest speakers and fellow students, and about the University’s need to prevent disruptions to […] Blog Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism Free Speech and Academic Freedom