The Brandeis Brief

Sign up now for the upcoming issue of the Louis D. Brandeis Center’s Brandeis Brief to stay current on the campaign against campus anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism.  The Brandeis Center’s electronic newsletter provides original analysis on campus anti-Semitism, the campaign to restore higher education civility, and LDB’s latest activities.  While you are at it, subscribe to the Brandeis Blog email digest and get updates directly to your inbox.  Or click here to get our blog’s RSS Updates on your browser.  And if you have not already “liked” us on Facebook, join over 3000 other fans who have.  We would love to hear from you about how we can work together to fight anti-Semitism on college and university campuses, especially if there are problems on your campus.  Finally, if you can support our efforts, we look forward to hearing from you.