February 8, 2016 Marcus to Address StandWithUs Anti-BDS Conference LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus will be speaking at the StandWithUs International Anti-BDS Conference for the second year in a row. StandWithUs, an international non-profit organization dedicated to informing the public about Israel and combating anti-Semitism, will host this conference from April 9-11 in Los Angeles, California. At the conference, internationally renowned experts will discuss […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
February 4, 2016 Lawfare Project Refutes BDS Legal Arguments The Lawfare Project has just published a legal analysis paper it believes will “demolish the claims of Palestine Legal and the Center for Constitutional Rights” that the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement aimed against Israel is impervious to legal threat. The New York based non-profit legal organization is dedicated to fighting anti-Israel and anti-Semitic “lawfare,” […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog Litigation
January 28, 2016 Hitler’s Presence Online The Israeli Students Combating Anti-Semitism (ISCA), a project by The National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS), recently released a media report examining Adolf Hitler’s presence online. They noted that glorifying Hitler is “a widespread trend” on the internet, with a wide range of content promoting Hitler’s ideology readily available on national-socialist, neo-Nazi, and white supremacist […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
January 28, 2016 AAU Opposes Boycotts of Israeli Academic Institutions On January 14, 2016, the Board of Directors of the Association of American Universities reissued a 2013 statement opposing boycotts of Israeli academic institutions. The statement proclaims that “any such boycott of academic institutions directly violates academic freedom, which a fundamental principle of AAU universities and of American higher education in general.” The AAU reissued […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
January 27, 2016 From BigLaw to Public Interest Advocate: Fighting Racism and Bigotry On Wednesday, January 27, LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus will address students at Emory Law School on the topic of, “From BigLaw to Public Interest Advocate: Fighting Racism and Bigotry.” Blog
January 22, 2016 Student Expelled From Prestigious French University for Anti-Semitism Paris, France — Amira Jumaa is 20 years old; she is Kuwaiti and we were studying at the same French university, Sciences Po Paris. “Were,” because she recently got expelled for anti-Semitism. Last fall, on StandWithUs Facebook page, Amira debated with an Israeli student, and posted such comments as: “ You don’t belon[g] anywhere in […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
January 20, 2016 New Oberlin Alumni & Student Group Condemns Anti-Semitism On January 3, 2016, the newly formed group, “Oberlin Alumni and Students Against Anti-Semitism” denounced a recent trend of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel acts on Oberlin’s campus, in a letter to Oberlin President Marvin Krislov. Oberlin College, a small private school in northern Ohio, has a long history of peaceful political activism, but as the Boycotts, […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
January 19, 2016 Legislators Introduce California and New York Anti-BDS Bills On January 8th, Senators Simcha Felder and Jack Martins introduced a bill into the New York State senate that would forbid New York from offering contracts to companies that support the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement against Israel, and against any companies otherwise boycotting, divesting, or sanctioning Israel. Likewise, the Jerusalem Post reported that on January 4 […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
January 5, 2016 The Academic Council for Israel Anti-BDS Petition The Louis D. Brandeis Center is joining with the Academic Council for Israel (ACFI) and other groups on this important petition. Please Join More than 400 of Us in Signing This Anti-BDS Petition http://www.academiccouncilforisrael.com/anti-bds-petition.html Join more than 100 of your academic colleagues in opposing anti-Israel BDS resolutions being considered or already voted on by some academic […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog Litigation
December 31, 2015 EU Labeling Guidelines Stir Global Controversy, Rest on Shaky Legal Foundations The new EU labeling policy calling for special labelling for Israeli goods related to “settlements,” as well as other restrictions and outright exclusions on some such products, has stirred up a global controversy and left many in the Jewish and international community greatly concerned. On November 29, the Guardian reported that Israel had suspended contact […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
December 18, 2015 Feds Seek Diversity in Middle East Studies Programs The Department of Education has started requiring universities that receive federal funding for Middle East Studies centers to report on how their programs are including diverse perspectives and a wide range of views. This is a very important first step to ensure that Middle East Studies programs do not succumb to political one-sidedness. For several years, […] Anti-Zionism Blog
December 9, 2015 LDB Urges University of Central Florida To Publicly Condemn Anti-Semitic Postings Today, LDB joined the AMCHA Initiative and 32 other organizations issuing a letter in response to a series of anti-Semitic stickers and flyers that were found at the University of Central Florida (UCF) campus. The letter urges UCF President John C. Hitt to publicly condemn the postings as blatant acts of anti-Semitism, publicly commit to educating university […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
December 4, 2015 Students Supporting Israel at Indian University Passes Resolution Adopting the U.S State Department Definition of Anti-Semitism in Student Government. On Tuesday, December 2, Students Supporting Israel at Indian University passed a resolution in its student government that adopts the United States’ State Department’s Definition of Anti-Semitism. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that the resolution passed at the Student Association Congress meeting by a vote of 22-6, with six abstentions. The resolution states that, “the Indiana […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog Litigation
November 25, 2015 LDB Condemns Violence Against Muslims [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Today, LDB submitted a letter (below) to President Elliot Hirshman and Chief Diversity Officer Aaron I. Bruce of San Diego State University to express our concern about last week’s reported attack on a Muslim student on campus. While LDB focuses primarily on the rights of Jewish college students, it is important to support the right […] Campus Administrators
November 25, 2015 LDB Law Student Statement in Support of Professor Ami Pedahzur This morning, students from eighteen Brandeis Center law student chapters issued a statement in support of Dr. Ami Pedahzur, an Israel Studies professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Pedahzur had been assailed by anti-Israel activists for his effort to host an academic presentation on the Israeli Defense Forces. The full statement can be found below: November […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
November 23, 2015 Academics Call for a Stop to Boycott Votes of Israel On November 20, The Academic Council for Israel, The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, Stand With Us and the Louis D. Brandeis Center issued a statement in advance of the shocking vote that was in favor of boycotting Israeli academy by members of the American Anthropological Association during its annual meeting […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog Litigation
November 20, 2015 Rachel Lerman Elected Vice President of Louis D. Brandeis Center The Brandeis Center is pleased to announce that Rachel Lerman was elected Vice President during the organization’s Annual Meeting on October 26, 2015. Rachel Lerman is a partner in Barnes & Thornburg LLP’s Los Angeles office, a member of the firm’s Litigation Department and co-chair of the Appellate Practice Group. Formerly a partner at Akin […] Anti-Semitism Blog Litigation
November 18, 2015 New Books in Jewish Studies: Interview with Kenneth L. Marcus Recently, LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus gave an enlightening interview to Jason Shulman for the New Books in Jewish Studies podcast series. The interview focused not only on Marcus’ new book, The Definition of Anti-Semitism, but also on the troubling resurgence of anti-Semitism in American higher education. In his interview, Marcus explains his motivation for […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
November 14, 2015 Brandeis Center Urges CUNY to Condemn Anti-Semitism On Friday, November 13, the Brandeis Center issued a letter to CUNY Vice Chancellor Frank Sanchez, and CUNY Hunter College President Jennifer Raab, urging them to strongly condemn recent anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in the CUNY system, specifically, the “Million Student March” at Hunter College that took place on Thursday, November 12. The NYC Students for […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
November 5, 2015 LDB Urges University of Missouri to Condemn Anti-Semitic Incident The Brandeis Center, together the AMCHA Initiative and several other organizations, has urged the University of Missouri to respond to anti-Semitic graffiti found in one of University’s residence halls. The joint letter urges MU administration to take a stronger stance to publicly condemn this incident: Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin Office of the Chancellor105 Jesse HallUniversity of MissouriColumbia, MO […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
November 5, 2015 European Sociological Association Passes New Anti-Boycott Guidelines In August, the European Social Association (ESA), an academic association of sociologists and a non-profit Europe-wide association made up of over 2000 member scholars, approved ethical guidelines holding that “its members, conference participants and partners are not to be discriminated against in any way, direct or indirect, including boycott of themselves or their institutions, based on […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog