December 5, 2013 “Knockout Attacks” Don’t Bode Well for African Americans, Jews, or Anybody Else The lid has finally blown off the simmering cauldron. For about a month, there have been reports of “knockout attacks,” mostly in Northeastern cities. These reports have not looked too closely at the ethnicity of the attackers while generally characterizing the attacks as “random” and lacking the specificity of “hate crime” targeting. But now Brooklyn’s […] Anti-Semitism Blog
December 4, 2013 National Law Student Conference Gains Star Power The Brandeis Center just announced two superstar additions to the faculty of our inaugural national law student leadership conference: international lawyers Richard Heideman and Abraham (Avi) Bell. The LDB national law student conference, to be held in Los Angeles, California on January 2-3, 2014, marks the launch of the Brandeis Center’s law student chapter program. […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
December 2, 2013 Call For Papers: Summer Institute for Law and Policy Our friends at the Summer Institute for Law and Policy at Hebrew University have issued this call or applications: Hebrew University in Jerusalem Faculty of Law invites applications for its three week Summer Institute for Law and Policy, June 1-20, 2014. ABOUT HU: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) is the first and leading university […] Anti-Zionism Blog
December 1, 2013 LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus to Speak at Harvard Law School LDB President, Kenneth L. Marcus will address campus anti-Semitism next Tuesday, December 3, 2013, during an invited lecture at Harvard Law School. Marcus’ Harvard Law School appearance is hosted by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP). Entitled “Anti-Semitism, Higher Education, and the Law,” the event will be held in the […] Anti-Semitism Blog
November 27, 2013 Academic Boycotts Are Anathema to Academic Freedom All too often, professors proclaim their allegiance to the principles of academic freedom and then take action that violates those very principles. Sadly, this is often the case when it comes to academia’s attitude toward the State of Israel and its institutions of higher learning. The American Studies Association (ASA), which claims to be “the […] Anti-Zionism Blog
November 25, 2013 US Legal Tools to Fight Anti-Jewish Discrimination Earlier today, Arutz Sheva published the English-language version of Manfred Gerstenfeld’s interview with Kenneth L. Marcus, President of the Louis Brandeis Center. The German-language version of this interview appeared several months ago. Dr. Gerstenfeld has been a long-term adviser on strategy issues to the boards of several major multinational corporations in Europe and North America. […] Anti-Semitism Blog
November 24, 2013 LDB Announces Inaugural National Law Student Conference The Brandeis Center announced today that it will conduct an inaugural national law student leadership training conference in Los Angeles, California on January 2-3, 2014. This inaugural national law student conference coincides with the launch of the Center’s new Law Student Chapter Initiative. The conference will draw law student leaders together to exchange lessons on […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
November 22, 2013 Addressing BDS at Fordham School of Law On November 20, 2013, the Louis Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, presented a mini-conference on the subjects of BDS, Israel, and Academic Freedom. The Fordham Law School Jewish Students Association hosted the event. The event was also co-hosted by the Louis Brandeis Center, the American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, and the […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
November 20, 2013 As Assassination Remembered The fiftieth anniversary of 11/22/63 has been marked by Jewish and Israel recollections of the day that JFK died, including Chemi Shalev in “Haaretz” recalling how his fellow students at a West Los Angeles public school convinced themselves that “Lyndon Johnson has sent emissaries to kill all the Jews,” and a report that Golda Meir […] Blog
November 16, 2013 Brandeis Center will present a conference at Fordham University Law School The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law is excited to present a Fordham Law School mini-conference on “Israel, BDS, Academic Freedom and the Law,” next week. The event will take place next Wednesday, November 20, 2013 from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. It will be held in room 207 at Fordham University […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
November 11, 2013 UCLA Law School Chapter to Host LDB President for Anti-Semitism Talk Very recently, the Brandeis Center introduced a new and exciting law school initiative in which law schools across the nations can create law school student chapters to fight campus anti-Semitism. We recently welcomed the University of California, Los Angeles law school chapter. Soon, the President and general counsel of LDB, Kenneth L. Marcus will address the chapter […] Blog
November 11, 2013 Come see LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus at UCLA School of Law tomorrow! Anti-Semitism Blog
November 10, 2013 More on Counting Anti-Semites A few months ago in this Blog (in “Europe’s Toxic Anti-Semitism Problem,” July 10), I used a somewhat misleading headline debate between Manfred Gerstenfeld, author of “Demonizing Israel and the Jews,” and Robert Wistrich, in my view the world’s leading authority on the history of anti-Semitism. According to the headlines, Gerstenfeld used polling data to […] Anti-Semitism Blog
November 9, 2013 Anti-Semitism Surges in Europe Earlier today, as we begin the weekend marking the seventieth anniversary of Kristallnacht (November 9-10, 1938), the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency issued a stunning report detailing the extent of anti-Semitism in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. This is the best data that we have seen on contemporary anti-Semitism […] Anti-Semitism Blog
November 6, 2013 Brandeis Center Launches Second Law School Chapter at American University Yesterday afternoon the Brandeis Center has launched their first Law School Chapter in the East Coast, at American University’s Washington College of Law, located in Washington D.C. The law school chapter initiative is the most recent developed program, to involve future leaders who are passionate about justice in the Brandeis Center’s campaign against […] Anti-Semitism Blog
October 31, 2013 Brandeis Center Announces Formation of Law Student Chapters At the Brandeis Center we are thrilled to be launching an important, brand new initiative: law student chapters at select law schools throughout the United States. The new chapters will advance the organization’s mandate to combat campus anti-Semitism through legal means. This news is absolutely exhilarating because there are law students throughout the United States […] Anti-Semitism Blog
October 30, 2013 “Don’t Know Much About History”: Implications for Human Rights? Juxtapose two stories: • At the University of the West Indies, in Cave Hill, Barbados, African drumming, a history lecture, and a song with the chorus, “We cry for the ancestors!” were featured at a ceremony unveiling a monument inscribed with 295 names of slaves who once lived on the plantation where the university now […] Blog
October 30, 2013 Brandeis Center’s Newest Short Video The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights under Law is excited to announce the creation of a new short film called The Louis D. Brandeis Center: For Human Rights Under Law. Produced and directed by acclaimed filmmaker Gloria Greenfield, and edited by two-time Emmy Award winner Raoul Rosenberg, the film highlights the mission of […] Blog
October 19, 2013 Woody Allen May Be Seeing the Light About Israel—Sort Of Woody Allen’s recent remarks about bigoted critics of Israel re-raise the perennial question about the Jewish roots to his serio-comic gift. Born Allen Stewart Konigsberg in the Bronx in 1935, Allen was the son of Austrian and Russian-Jewish immigrants. His Orthodox family spoke German and a well as Yiddish at home, and while growing up […] Anti-Semitism Blog
October 14, 2013 Israel and Africa: Bridging Troubled Waters Israelis were not surprised by last month’s terrorist attack by Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabab on Nairobi’s Westgate Mall, killing 67 people. They had been on alert against such dangers since two attacks on Israeli targets in Mombasa in 2002. Since the Arab the downfall of Libya’s Qaddafi, East Africa especially has been awash in new terrorist recruits […] Blog
October 14, 2013 High Academic Quality Protects Students’ Freedom to Learn The efforts of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) to protect academic freedom intersect with and draw strength from our efforts to maintain high academic quality on America’s college campuses. These issues are closely related, and our Free to Teach, Free to Learn guide highlights the potential challenges universities and their trustees face […] Campus Administrators