August 26, 2013 Welcome Guest Blogger Ruth Wisse The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law is pleased to announce that Dr. Ruth R. Wisse, Professor of Yiddish and Comparative Literature at Harvard University, will be joining the Brandeis Center Blog team as a guest blogger. Dr. Wisse, an experienced editor, essayist, and columnist brings to the Brandeis Blog a long […] Anti-Semitism Blog
August 23, 2013 Islamic Republic of Iran: The World’s Worst Sponsor of Terror Must Be Stopped The Islamic Republic of Iran, a designated State Sponsor of Terrorism since 1984, remains the world’s “most active state sponsor of terrorism” according to the U.S. Department of State’s most recent Country Reports on Terrorism. Yet the world continues to turn a blind eye to Iran’s sponsorship of terror, ignoring the suffering of terror victims […] Anti-Zionism Blog Litigation
August 23, 2013 Israeli student wins case against university Kudos to United Kingdom Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) for their recent victory against anti-Israel bias at Warwick University. In an interesting new case, UKLFI has achieved a measure of justice for an Israeli student who allegedly faced biased instruction at the English university. UKLFI’s Jonathan Turner reports on the win: The Office of the Independent Adjudicator […] Anti-Zionism Blog
August 23, 2013 Israel Lives in a Dangerous Neighborhood, Struggles Against Terrorism and is Engaged in a Battle for Justice at the United Nations Over the past sixty five years, Israel has faced and continues to face momentous challenges including wars, skirmishes, rocket attacks, terrorist murderous suicide bombings and assaults on her citizens, challenges to her legal status, boycotts, threats, accusations and demonization. In the summer of 2000, Chairman Yasser Arafat of the Palestine Liberation Organization met at Camp […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog Litigation
August 21, 2013 SYRIA: A STATE SPONSOR OF TERROR NOW KILLING ITS OWN PEOPLE The Syrian Arab Republic has been listed on the US Department of State List of State Sponsors of Terror since 1979 and continues today as one of the world’s worst sponsors of terror, funding and providing safe haven for Hezbollah, HAMAS and other terrorist organizations. Support takes the form of money, passage through and across […] Anti-Zionism Blog Litigation
August 20, 2013 Standing up for Victims of Terror The use of litigation in the United States Federal Court system is an essential tool in standing up for victims of terror. While governments negotiate, victims can use the federal court system to not only seek monetary damages but also to give victims and their families voice against state sponsors of terrorism. Victims have been afforded this […] Blog Litigation
August 20, 2013 Brandeis Center Urges OCR to Protect Students from Religious Harassment & Bullying Last night, the Louis D. Brandeis Center urged the Obama administration to use the Department of Education’s mandatory data-gathering program to protect religious minorities, including Jewish, Muslim and Sikh children, from harassment and bullying – just as it does for racial and ethnic minorities. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) had previously floated a proposal […] Anti-Zionism
August 19, 2013 Egypt’s New Government Tweets Turkey’s Erdogan Where It Hurts: About the Armenian Genocide Turkey’s Prime Minister Recip Erdogan—whose fantasies about restoring Turkey as the hub of a Neo-Ottoman Empire have been shattered by a one-touch punch from Syria and Egypt—has now received his just desserts. Earlier this year, Erdogan unleashed his shock troops to put down peaceful mass protests in Taksim Square, declaring: “The police were there yesterday, […] Blog
August 18, 2013 Alice Walker Got What She Deserves Bravo to the University of Michigan for disinviting Alice Walker – and shame on Walker for reportedly spreading false rumors about Michigan’s reasons for doing so. The University of Michigan recently withdrew a speaking invitation to the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Color Purple, who is now known not only for her literary work but […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 18, 2013 Richard D. Heideman to Appear on the Brandeis Center Blog We’re pleased to announce that Washington, D.C., lawyer Richard D. Heideman, a world-famous international lawyer, will appear as a guest on the Brandeis Center Blog in the coming week. Heideman, the Honorary President of B’nai B’rith International, is known as a tireless advocate for victims of terrorism around the world whose human and individual rights […] Anti-Zionism Blog
August 16, 2013 Don’t Look at the Sphinx—or the Muslim Brotherhood—Through Rose-Colored Glasses While we all recoil from the death toll in innocent lives in Egypt—including unreported numbers of Coptic Christians killed while defending their spiritual patrimony from arsonists who burned down 52 churches in one day—there are some hard facts that need to be addressed and questions that need to be answered by those who seem to […] Blog
August 7, 2013 Brandeis Center Congratulates Catherine Lhamon on Confirmation as OCR Chief Today, the Brandeis Center congratulated Catherine Lhamon on being confirmed as the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education. The U.S. Senate confirmed Ms. Lhamon after President Obama nominated her earlier this year. Ms. Lhamon has a very extensive background in civil rights. Most recently, she served as the Director of […] Blog
August 5, 2013 Brandeis Center Appoints Todd Braunstein to Legal Advisory Board Today, the Brandeis Center announced the appointment of Todd F. Braunstein to the Brandeis Center’s Legal Advisory Board. As a member of the board, Braunstein will advise the Center regarding legal aspects of the Center’s fight against campus anti-Semitism. A former federal prosecutor, Braunstein has years of experience in all phases of the investigative process, […] Blog
August 2, 2013 Joel Siegal Explains Anti-Bullying Litigation LDB Legal Advisor and San Francisco civil rights litigator Joel Siegal has posted an informative article on his blog which discusses the use of courts to eliminate bullying in the school. Siegal is counsel to Jessica Felber in her campus anti-Semitism case against the University of California at Berkeley. With attorney Neal Sher, he filed a […] Anti-Semitism Blog
August 2, 2013 Germany Should Act Against Those Who Invoke “Free Speech” to Destroy Its Still-Fragile Democracy The recent “New York Times’” headline—“Wiesenthal Center Calls for Closing of German Magazine It Says Glorifies Nazism”—reflects what may an ominous divergence in German and American attitudes toward Nazism. As recently as the 1960’s when “Hogan’s Heroes” was a hit television sitcom, “comic Nazis”—inept and even innocuous—were in vogue. The reason may have been that […] Anti-Semitism Blog
July 31, 2013 “Zionist Entity” Enters the Blogosphere A smart new blog on Israel, anti-Semitism and the Middle East, provocatively entitled the “Zionist Entity,” has just quietly been launched. Although it has not yet announced itself in any formal way, its first entries are already garnering considerable buzz internationally for its fresh, clever, irreverent style and wit. We are pleased to see that […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
July 29, 2013 Who’s Right About the European Extreme Right? Historian James Mayfield offers a provocative, contrarian view of Europe’s extreme Right in “Explaining the Rapid Rise of the Xenophobic Right in Contemporary Europe” in the journal, “GeoCurrents” (July 22). It’s not that he likes the Right. It’s that he questions the popular view that right-wing European extremism is a uniform, continent-wide phenomenon that can […] Anti-Semitism Blog
July 29, 2013 Brandeis Center Call for Volunteer Work The Brandeis Center is actively seeking a volunteer to create, and on occasion update, an informative Wikipedia article about the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law. The article, of course, must be written in accordance with Wikipedia’s rules, which require complete independence and neutrality. As such, the Brandeis Center feels it best […] Blog
July 25, 2013 IAJLJ Seeks Lawyer Signatures for European Union Petition The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists is circulating this lawyers’ letter, written by Ambassador Alan Baker, which calls upon the European Union to revoke its recent directive against Israeli settlements. The lawyers’ letter will be sent to EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton. If you are an attorney and would like to sign, the […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
July 25, 2013 SPME Fellowships Available Our friends at Scholars for Peace in the Middle East are announcing fellowships to enable junior scholars to deliver papers at academic conferences. In addition to providing useful information on Israel and the Middle East, SPME has also historically been interested in campus anti-Semitism and academic freedom. These issues are, of course, central to our […] Anti-Semitism Blog
July 23, 2013 Coming Soon: August Edition of the Brandeis Brief The Louis D. Brandeis Center would like to announce to Brandeis Blog readers that the August edition of the Brandeis Brief is coming soon. Each edition of the Brandeis Brief features a compilation of the month’s best blog entries, along with detailed and up to date information regarding the Brandeis Center’s campaign against campus […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog