April 17, 2013 LDB Legal Advisor to Speak on Religious Discrimination Litigator Alyza Lewin of Lewin & Lewin, a member of the Brandeis Center’s Legal Advisory Board, will participate tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. in an American Bar Association panel on “Advocating for Equality in the Next Generation: Religious Discrimination.” Lewin has appeared as a guest of this blog, posting the popular article, “Where Was the President When He […] Events (blog)
April 17, 2013 Brandeis Center Seeks Development Interns The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law is seeking Development Interns to assist with its fundraising activities. The position description is as follows: Development/Fundraising Interns Location: Washington, D.C. Telework available for Interns to work from alternative locations. Term: Internships available for Summer, Fall semester, or Spring semester. Arrangements can be made for […] Blog
April 15, 2013 North Carolina Professor Uses Holocaust Image to Falsify Blog on Deir Yassin A University of North Carolina professor, Omid Safi, has reportedly falsified a blog posting on Israel’s 1948 treatment of Palestinians at Deir Yassin by illustrating it with a photograph that was in fact taken of Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust. The Elder of Zioyon blog, among others, reports that Safi has used this Holocaust […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 14, 2013 Albany Superintendent Apologizes for Nazi Writing Assignment Last week, the Brandeis Center was in touch with the Albany, New York, Superintendent of Schools, after an Albany High School teacher had assigned her class to write persuasively that Jews are evil. The Superintendent has now apologized to Albany families for the teacher’s misconduct. The Albany Times Union describes the assignment: Think like a […] Anti-Semitism Blog
April 14, 2013 Manitoba Bars Anti-Israel Group for Human Rights Violations In a major decision of international signfiicance, the University of Manitoba’s student union has stripped the Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) of official recognition. The Manitoba student’s union is the first such group to bar this anti-Israel campus group based on the anti-Semitic harassment and discrimination that take place each year during Israel Apartheid Week. […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 11, 2013 BDS Fail at University of California at Santa Barbara After an epic battle, pro-Israel students have just scored an upset victory against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, defeating a hard-fought anti-Israel divestment resolution at the University of California at Santa Barbara. These battles are now much closer than they were just a few years ago, as the BDS movement had recently scored victories […] Anti-Zionism Blog
April 10, 2013 Petition Against Anti-Israel Bullying and Bigotry on Campus A group called “Students Against Bigotry” is circulating this petition against “anti-Israel bullying and bigotry on campus.” The campaign for a boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel often degenerates into hatred and smears. We oppose harassment, bigotry and bullying against any group. The petition may be found here, and its text is shown below. STUDENTS […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 8, 2013 Nora Gold Addresses Anti-Semitism for ISGAP at McGill University Author Nora Gold will speak tomorrow at McGill University on “‘I Don’t Know Why They Hate Us – I Don’t Think We Did Anything Bad To Hurt Them’: Jewish Girls (Aged 10-12) Reflect on Their Experiences of Antisemitism.” The talk is part of the the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy’s lecture […] Anti-Semitism Blog
April 7, 2013 Scholars for Peace in the Middle East Conduct Anti-BDS Petition Drive Scholars for Peace in the Middle East SPME is circulating a faculty Petition to Condemn Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Against Israel. The timing is important, as the BDS movement has recently scored a rare string of victories in North America. Student governments have lately passed anti-Israel BDS resolutions at the University of California campuses at […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 7, 2013 Global Anti-Semitism Surged 30 Percent in 2012 Anti-Semitism researchers at Tel Aviv University have announced that anti-Semitic incidents surged by 30 percent last year. Tel Aviv’s Kantor Center, headed by LDB Advisor Dina Porat, issues the authoritative annual report on global anti-Semitism. This year’s report highlights a significant global surge, including last year’s Toulouse school massacre, and expresses concern about anti-Semitism in extreme right-wing political parties […] Anti-Semitism Blog
April 7, 2013 The Algemeiner Compiles List of 100 Most Influential Living Jews Who are the 100 most influential living Jews? Do you have some ideas? Here is your opportunity to share them in an influential forum. The Algemeiner (which is sometimes called the “Jewish Huffington Post“) wants your help compiling its own new list. Until now, the Jewish Daily Forward has been the most widely discussed list-maker in this […] Blog
April 7, 2013 Presidents, Prejudice, and Public Policy Like much else about the 1960s, the mantra that “all politics is personal” was rather naïve compared to earlier, more pointed formulations. According to Harold D. Lasswell, who authored Psychopathology and Politics (1930) during the first wave of Freudian debunking, all politics is the displacement of private motives unto public issues, rationalized in terms of […] Anti-Semitism Blog
April 6, 2013 Irish Teachers’ Union Votes to Bar Israeli Scholars The Teachers’ Union of Ireland, which represents Irish secondary and post-secondary school teachers and lecturers, has voted at its annual meeting to boycott all academic collaboration with Israel, as the Jewish Chronicle (U.K.) reports. The Union’s new resolution steps up its campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions against what it calls “the apartheid state of […] Anti-Zionism Blog
April 6, 2013 Historian Catherine Chatterley to Address Struggles Over Holocaust Memory Historian Catherine Chatterley, a member of the Louis D. Brandeis Center’s Academic Advisory Board, will deliver a lecture on April 11 on “Canada’s Struggle with Holocaust Memorialization: The War Museum Controversy, Ethnic Identity Politics, & the Canadian Museum for Human Rights” at the Canadian Institute for Jewish Research in Montreal. It is sadly true that the preservation […] Anti-Semitism Blog
April 5, 2013 Iran’s Incitement to Genocide Against Israel Columnist Michael Gerson has an interesting Washington Post opinion piece arguing that Iran may be culpable for incitement to genocide against Israel under international criminal law. This is not a new argument. We have made the same argument here and here and elaborated on some of the technical issues here. Mitt Romney famously endorsed the argument […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 4, 2013 Woodrow Wilson—1913 and 2013—and Louis D. Brandeis Previewing his forthcoming biography, A. Scott Berg’s New York Times’ opinion piece—“Wilson to Obama: March Forth!”—lauded a few weeks ago the hundredth anniversary of Woodrow Wilson’s inauguration. In Berg’s view, “the Princeton schoolmaster” (as Wilson was sometimes called by both friends and foes) was a model and validation for subsequent presidents using “the bully pulpit” […] Blog
April 3, 2013 Louis D. Brandeis Center Appoints Senior Civil Rights Legal Fellow Today, the Brandeis Center is announcing the appointment of our first Senior Civil Rights Legal Fellow, Joshua Sol Brewster, Esq. Mr. Brewster is a highly experienced civil rights attorney, who recently completed ten years of service at the Indiana Civil Rights Commission, where he worked his way up to Deputy Director and Chief Staff Counsel. […] Anti-Semitism Blog Litigation
April 3, 2013 Decision Postponed in Al Dura Case Historian Richard Landes (Boston University) announces on his Augean Stables web site that the French court has delayed its decision on the Enderlin-Karsenty trial until May 22. This case concerns the extraordinary al Dura hoax, which has been used to foment anti-Semitic antagonism throughout the world. Philippe Karsenty, a party to the case, offers the message […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog Litigation
April 2, 2013 Interesting Events This Week Via The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy LDB Academic Advisor Charles A. Small (ISGAP) reports the following interesting events this week at his Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (after the jump). Impressively, this week’s events feature Israeli Justice Elyakim Rubinstein and Dr. Amichai Magen, as well as Dr. Small himself. Dr. Small, as our readers will recall, was the […] Anti-Semitism Blog
April 2, 2013 ”Antisemitism in the Ancient Mediterranean? Early Christianity and Anti-Judaism” Having just blogged on Charles Small’s impressive offerings through his Institute for Global Antisemitism and Policy, it should be noted that Small’s former university has not been idle. Maurice Samuels, the scholar of French and Jewish culture and literature, heads Yale’s new anti-Semitism center, which is known as the Yale Program for the Study of […] Anti-Semitism Blog
April 2, 2013 Obama, African Americans, and Israel After a bumpy ride with Israel during his first term, President Barack on his first official visit to the Jewish state appears to have made a stabilizing mid-course correction. Though most attention has been paid to his Jerusalem speech, Obama’s remarks on landing at Tel Aviv may have the greater historical importance. In Cairo in […] Blog