June 14, 2013 The Holocaust and Contemporary Anti-Semitism in the UK I have always been curious about why and how the Holocaust has spawned new anti-Semitic tropes, such as Holocaust denial. Anthony Julius famously wrote in Trials of the Diaspora: A History of Anti-Semitism in England that, “[T]he Holocaust should have altogether put paid to anti-Semitism. It should have rebutted once and for all the principal […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
June 14, 2013 Campus Anti-Semitism Fact Sheet Invaluable to Jewish Students The Brandeis Center has just released an important new resource for Jewish American college students, The Louis D. Brandeis Center’s Short Guide to the Law Against Campus Anti-Semitism. The Short Guide is a Fact Sheet on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Over 40% of Jewish American college students have admitted to experiencing […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
June 12, 2013 The Sad Reality of Anti-Sikh Discrimination in a Post-9/11 World The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law has recently commended an FBI Advisory Policy Board recommendation that the agency track hate crimes against Sikhs, Hindus, and Arab Americans – just as the Brandeis Center had previously urged in testimony before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. The Brandeis Center, which is primarily focused […] Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
June 10, 2013 Top Ten Surprises About Campus Anti-Semitism Some people might react with skepticism when told that when examining college campuses in the United States, there has been a noticeable resurgence of anti-Semitic incidents, but the trend exists regardless. The Brandeis Center has compiled this list of facts that may surprise some about campus anti-Semitism. 1. High Volume of Incidents in the Last […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
June 7, 2013 The Truth About FDR and the Jews Seventy years ago last week, President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill sat down for lunch at the White House. As they ate, they reviewed the war effort and exchanged thoughts on their plans for the postwar era. At one point the conversation touched upon the nettlesome question of the Jews. The mass murder […] Blog
June 5, 2013 Franklin Roosevelt, Founder of Israel ? Move over, Theodor Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, and Menachem Begin: it turns out that the man most responsible for the founding of Israel was, in fact, Franklin D. Roosevelt. This astonishing claim is being circulated by FDR partisans in a new effort to rescue their hero’s reputation in the Jewish world. The depiction of Roosevelt as […] Anti-Zionism Blog
June 3, 2013 Today’s French Blend of Hypocrisy, Anti-Semitism, and Jihad Updates Moliere’s “Tartuffe” In Moliere’s play, religious huckster Tartuffe almost undoes credulous Orgon (saved only by the King’s miraculous intervention). At today’s University of La Rochelle, a new play has been produced in which the hypocritical manipulation of the gullible—this time in the service of anti-Semitism—is the work not of an evil character but of the playwright and […] Blog
June 2, 2013 When Brandeis Was “Ashamed” of America He may have been one of his generation’s most enthusiastic exponents of American patriotism, and in many ways he was the very symbol of Jewish pride in the United States, but eighty years ago this month, Justice Louis D. Brandeis bluntly told Secretary of State Cordell Hull that he was “ashamed” of his country. Brandeis’s […] Blog
May 31, 2013 Welcome Rafael Medoff The Brandeis Center Blog is pleased to welcome Dr. Rafael Medoff as our next guest blogger. Dr. Medoff is founding director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, which focuses on America’s response to the Holocaust. A prolific author, Medoff has written numerous books and articles. His most recent book is FDR and […] Anti-Semitism Blog
May 26, 2013 Should a Pro-Israel Student Organization Be Required to Admit People Who Oppose the Existence of the State of Israel? According to a Troubling Campus Trend, They Should For the final post of my oddly 21-day “week” of guest posting for the Brandeis Center blog, I want to focus on a troubling trend on college campuses which prevents belief-based organizations from excluding people hostile to their core beliefs. I talk about this trend in detail and at length in my book, and for now, […] Anti-Zionism Blog
May 26, 2013 Sweden’s Reckoning The UK and U.S. Embassy have cautioned their nationals about visiting Stockholm and environs because of a of week of riots in ostensibly enlightened Sweden by predominantly Muslim immigrants and their children, attributed alternatively to “police brutality” or bad social conditions. In 2010, the Simon Wiesenthal Center issued its own “travel advisory” cautioning Jewish travelers […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
May 25, 2013 “Statism” Was NOT Hitler’s Worst Crime I recently read a reminder that—while liberalism certainly has its failings—there is still ample reason to be concerned about right-wing misunderstandings of history and of the dynamics of prejudice and discrimination. A case study is PJ Media’s recent decision to give a platform to Walter Hudson, a Minnesota talk radio host whose self-appointed task is […] Blog
May 24, 2013 Brandeis Center Resolves Concerns With UC Davis The Brandeis Center is delighted to announce that it has successfully resolved campus anti-Semitism concerns that it had raised with the University of California at Davis. In a press release to be issued later this morning, the Center will laud UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi for her leadership in responding to a November 2012 incident on […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
May 23, 2013 Federal Mandate Imposes Draconian National Collegiate Speech Code Two weeks ago, I began my week of guest blogging for the Brandeis Center blog. Before my final blog post, however, I was stopped dead in my tracks by a letter issued jointly by the Departments of Education and Justice to the University of Montana. While the ED and DOJ were investigating the University of […] Anti-Semitism
May 22, 2013 Brandeis Center Welcomes First Intern Class Today, the Brandeis Center announced its first intern class as it continues the ongoing expansion of its campaign against campus anti-Semitism. LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus welcomed the Brandeis Center’s first Civil Rights Law Clerk Nicole Galletta and its first Development Intern, Christina Gathman. A second Development Intern, Andrew Loeb, will join the Center next week. Galletta and […] Anti-Semitism Blog
May 21, 2013 Brandeis Center and SPME Defend Tammi Rossman-Benjamin Against Attacks The Brandeis Center and Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME) have just issued the following statement: WASHINGTON, DC — The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law (LDB) and Scholars for Peace in the Middle East today issued a Joint Statement in defense of University of California at Santa Cruz lecturer […] Anti-Semitism Blog
May 21, 2013 While the Mideast Burns, “The Elders” Fiddle, and Ireland Scapegoats Israel Rubberstamping the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement’s drive to delegitimate and demonize “Apartheid” Israel, the Irish government has announced that produce from the West Bank should be declared “illegal” by the EU. Giving their blessing on a Dublin visit were the so-called “Elders,” the seven-member “peace-making” delegation that includes former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, […] Blog
May 20, 2013 Turkey’s “Darwinian” Islamization: Implications for Israelis and Jews As Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan returns home from his visit to his biggest western fan, President Barack Obama, only to prepare for a controversial pilgrimage to Hamas-controlled Gaza, Turkey’s educational system is being mocked internationally. A spoof in “The Scientific American” focuses on revelations that Istanbul textbooks have pictured Charles Darwin as “a […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
May 16, 2013 Norway’s New Generation Quislings Because it “gives support to old conspiracy theories about Jews controlling media,” the Oslo Newspaper, “Dagsavisen,” recently took down from its site pro-Palestinian activist Siri Lill Thowsen’s article: “Is There Jewish Dominance over International and Norwegian Media?” Though the anti-Israel Lobby is howling in protest that the removal demonstrates Thowsen’s thesis, nothing could be further […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
May 14, 2013 The Church of Scotland Turns Its Back on Its Own History—and the Jews In the face of fierce Jewish criticism, the Church of Scotland is rewording its draft report—“The Inheritance of Abraham”—denying that Jews have a claim the land of Israel rooted in either the Bible or the Holocaust. The draft still favors the BDS’s anti-Israel boycott. Calvinist Scotland—which transplanted Presbyterianism to the U.S.—was once the redoubt of […] Blog
May 11, 2013 Anti-Semitism Without Many—if Any—Jews The phenomenon of anti-Semitism without many—if any—Jews has again been placed in the spotlight by a survey of Polish middle school students about Jews in relation to the seventieth anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. The finding that the children’s knowledge about the Uprising was “extremely weak” has been disputed by Magdalena H. Gross in […] Anti-Semitism Blog