June 10, 2015 Canada’s Important Resolution on Anti-Semitism Canada has just passed a resolution that defines and prioritizes combating anti-Semitism. In an article for the Jerusalem Post, Irwin Cotler, former justice minister and current MP of the Canadian parliament, discussed the importance of such a resolution. Last February, Cotler and Jason Kenney, the minister of multiculturalism, presented the resolution to Canada’s House of […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
June 9, 2015 Zivotofsky: A Victory for the Executive Branch In 2002, Congress passed Section 214(d) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, which permitted American Citizens born in Jerusalem to identify on their passport that they were born in Israel. Since the passing of the statute, the State Department has refused to enforce the law, and lists only “Jerusalem” on its passports. In a 6-3 […] Anti-Zionism Blog Litigation
June 8, 2015 Divestment Resolution Passed at UC Davis After a long semester of anti-Semitism on North American college campuses, the Student Senate at UC Davis has voted overwhelmingly to pass an Israel divestment resolution, by a final vote of 10-0, with two abstentions. This is not the first resolution that the students of UC Davis have passed, however. Earlier in the semester, on […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
June 8, 2015 LDB Makes Higher Education Act Case to Congressional Staffers Washington, D.C., (June 8, 2015) – On Wednesday, Brandeis Center President Kenneth L. Marcus and Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) President Sarah Stern educated congressional staff and others on the history, current status, and problems of Title VI of the Higher Education Opportunities Act. This year, the failed government program, which funds many controversial […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
June 1, 2015 BDS Defeated at Washington Supreme Court In a major setback to the BDS campaign, the Washington State Supreme court reversed a lower court’s ruling yesterday and struck down the state’s anti-SLAPP statute as unconstitutional. The Olympia Food Co-op, based in Olympia, Washington, provides “wholesome foods and other goods and services . . . through a locally oriented, collectively managed, not-for-profit cooperative […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog Litigation
May 31, 2015 Illinois State Legislature approves an Anti-BDS bill For several months now, the U.S. government has been conducting a substantial amount of necessary work on fighting anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism. At the end of March, Congress created a Bipartisan Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism, based on the Department of State’s definition of anti-Semitism. The State Department’s definition, which currently is used only for international […] Blog
May 31, 2015 Napolitano Supports State Department Definition of Anti-Semitism In response to growing worries about Anti-Semitic behaviors, especially in the University of California school system, over 500 of the school’s alums sent a letter to UC President Janet Napolitano telling their alma mater that it is imperative the system implement means to restrict and inhibit acts of Anti-Semitism against students. President Napolitano agrees. According […] Anti-Semitism Blog
May 20, 2015 UC Regents to Meet at UCSF, Chance to Fight Back The UC Regents will meet at UCSF-Mission Bay this coming May 20th and 21st, where there will be time for public comments sessions, at 3pm and 8:30pm respectively. At a time where the campus climate, specifically at UC schools, is not a conducive one to success for Jewish students, this meeting presents a constructive opportunity […] Anti-Semitism Blog
May 19, 2015 At Bowdoin College, BDS Defeated Earlier this month, in glorious fashion, students at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine voted to defeat the notorious BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement against Israel. According to a piece in Legal Insurrection by Cornell law professor William A. Jacobson, the referendum, which called for the economic, cultural, and academic boycotts of Israel, was rejected […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
May 15, 2015 Tennessee first, then Indiana condemn BDS as anti-Semitic movement For the first time in the U.S., a state legislature condemned the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. The Tennessee General Assembly approved the resolution overwhelmingly, declaring that BDS is “one of the main vehicles for spreading anti-Semitism and advocating the elimination of the Jewish state”. The resolution condemns similarly the BDS activities […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
May 7, 2015 LDB and Others Write Napolitano about Anti-Israeli class at UC Riverside The Louis D. Brandeis Center joins the AMCHA initiative and 25 other groups in writing a letter to University of California President Napolitano and Provost Dorr about an anti-Israeli class taught at UC Riverside by a SJP member Dear President Napolitano and Provost Dorr, Last Fall, after several of our organizations wrote to you expressing our […] Anti-Zionism Blog
May 4, 2015 Anti-Zionism Week at UC Irvine The Louis D. Brandeis Center joins the AMCHA Initiative and twenty other groups in writing a letter to UCI Chancellor and Vice Chancellor about the “Anti-Zionist Week 2015” at UC Irvine. May 1, 2015 UCI Chancellor Howard Gillman UCI Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Thomas Parham Dear Chancellor Gillman and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Parham: […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 30, 2015 Concern about University of California’s definition of anti-Semitism The Louis D. Brandeis Center joins the AMCHA Initiative and twenty other groups in writing a letter to Senator Stone on urgent concerns about SCR-35. Dear Senator Stone, We are 22 organizations representing hundreds of thousands of supporters and members who are deeply concerned about the safety and well-being of Jewish students at the University […] Anti-Semitism Blog
April 28, 2015 LDB and Decalogue Join Forces to Train Illinois Law Students This article about LDB’s National Law Student Leadership Conference was published in the Spring 2015 Edition of the “Decalogue Tablet,” a publication of the Decalogue Society of Lawyers. The Decalogue Society is a Chicago-based organization founded in 1934 to promote justice in society and to advance and improve the law, administration of justice and legal […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 28, 2015 Twenty-Six Groups Write to Stanford University The Louis D. Brandeis Center joined the AMHCA Initiative and twenty-four other groups in writing a letter on anti-Semitism at Stanford University to its President, John Leroy Hennessy. President John LeRoy Hennessy Office of the President Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-2061 Dear President Hennessy, We are 26 organizations representing hundreds of thousands of people who […] Anti-Semitism Blog
April 26, 2015 Kantor Center Reports on Surging Global Anti-Semitism The 2014 Kantor Center annual report highlights a 38% worldwide increase in violent anti-Semitic incidents compared to 2013. The Kantor Center, based at Tel Aviv University, specializes in contemporary European Jewry and publishes an annual detailed report on anti-Semitism worldwide. According to this data, 2014 is the second worst year for anti-Semitism in the last […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 23, 2015 After condemning anti-Semitism, UCSB Student Senate rejects BDS resolution On April 15th, the University of California – Santa Barbara (UCSB) Student Senate rejected a BDS resolution by a short majority, with 13 no, 12 yes and one abstention. The resolution was calling UCSB to divest from Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Caterpillar, and Hewlett Packard. This resolution comes just two weeks after the groundbreaking […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 22, 2015 3 New LDB Chapters Open in the Windy City The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law’s (LDB) Law Student Chapter Initiative, started last year, continues to expand! Last week, LDB opened three new law student chapters in Chicago – at the University of Chicago, DePaul University, and Chicago-Kent College of Law. “The recent rise in anti-Semitism on university campuses is undeniable […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog Litigation
April 22, 2015 Anti-Semitism at Northwestern University President Morton Schapiro Northwestern University 633 Clark Street Evanston, IL 60208-1100 Dear President Schapiro, We are 23 organizations representing hundreds of thousands of people who are very concerned about the safety and well-being of Jewish students at Northwestern University. We are troubled by reports of two separate incidents of antisemitic graffiti discovered […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 16, 2015 BDS in Paris The Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement is not only growing on American college campuses, but also at European universities. This is unsurprising, as anti-Semitism has been skyrocketing in Europe in recent years, and where there is anti-Semitism, BDS supporters often emerge. I am a Jewish French student, currently studying abroad in the U.S. for […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
April 10, 2015 Hear LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus Speak in New Haven Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog