April 6, 2015 Israel Listed as Top Violator of Women’s Rights The top United Nations Women’s Rights Body, the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), recently named Israel as the top violator of women’s rights worldwide. In fact, of the 193 member states of the UN, only Israel was condemned as a violator of women’s rights. CSW’s approval of the resolution points out UN’s […] Anti-Zionism Blog
April 6, 2015 Anti-Semitism at Northeastern University President Joseph E. Aoun Office of the President Northeastern University 716 Columbus Place, Suite 620 Boston, MA 02120 Dear President Aoun, We are 22 organizations representing hundreds of thousands of people who are deeply concerned about the safety and well-being of Jewish students at Northeastern University. We are troubled by the reports of a swastika […] Anti-Semitism Blog
April 1, 2015 Congress launches task force to combat anti-Semitism Last Tuesday, eight members of Congress launched the Bipartisan Taskforce for Combating anti-Semitism to respond to the international resurgence of anti-Semitism. This task force is intended to alert other members of Congress of the recent upheaval of hatred toward the Jewish people all over the world, and to share solutions with the executive branch and foreign leaders. […] Anti-Semitism Blog
April 1, 2015 Boycott Our Enemies, Not Israel Recently, two House members have introduced legislation to prevent companies associated with the BDS movement from gaining U.S. government contracts. The “Boycott Our Enemies, Not Israel Act” is headed by Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado) and Ron DeSantis (R-Florida) to “thwart efforts by Palestinian organizations to pressure different corporations, companies, and educational institutions to boycott, divest, and […] Anti-Zionism Blog
March 19, 2015 Anti-Semitism on UC Campuses March 19, 2015 Dear President Napolitano and the Board of Regents, We are 23 organizations representing hundreds of thousands of supporters who are deeply concerned about the safety and well-being of Jewish students at the University of California.First, we acknowledge and appreciate your statement strongly condemning the recent antisemitic incidents at the University of California that have […] Anti-Semitism Blog
March 13, 2015 Anti-Semitism Here and Around the World There is still time to pre-register for an important and engaging event in Chicago: “Anti-Semitism Here and Around the World.” Join DePaul University School of Law’s Center for Jewish Law and Jewish Studies (JLJS) on April 15th, free of charge, as they impart discourse concerning global anti-Semitism. JLJS is co-sponsoring this event with B’nai B’rith International, the Louis […] Anti-Semitism Blog
March 11, 2015 UCLA Passes Resolution Against Campus Anti-Semitism In a 12 to 0 vote, the student government at University of California at Los Angeles passed an initiative that will improve the lives of Jewish students on campus. This five-page resolution denounces all forms of anti-Semitism and protects Jewish students from future discrimination. UCLA recently came under fire for their student government’s anti-Semitic review […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
March 10, 2015 Israeli Diplomat on BDS In an article in the Stanford Political Journal, Israel’s former deputy ambassador to Norway explains that the Boycott, Divestment, & Sanctions (BDS) campaigns are not about criticizing Israel but demonizing and dehumanizing it. While there are important political issues to discuss, BDS instead abuses the human rights discourse by using a simplistic “good v. evil” narrative that is not […] Anti-Zionism Blog
March 10, 2015 In Oklahoma, “You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught” To Hate I’m mixing here two Rogers and Hammerstein musicals: “Oklahoma” and “South Pacific.” The bottom line is the University of Oklahoma President David Boren has expelled two student fraternity leaders for responsibility for the following videorecorded racist chant: There will never be a n*gger at SAE There will never be a n*gger at SAE You can […] Blog
March 5, 2015 Call for Papers: “Anti-Zionism, Antisemitism, and the Dynamics of Delegitimization” We are pleased to share this Call for Papers received from Prof. Alvin Rosenfeld of Indiana University, an esteemed member of the Louis D. Brandeis Center’s Academic Advisory Committee: Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism Indiana University Announces Anti-Zionism, Antisemitism, and the Dynamics of Delegitimization: An International Scholars’ Conference April 2-5, 2016 Call for […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
March 4, 2015 Cornell LDB Presents: “Legal Complexity in Contemporary Asymmetrical Conflicts” Anti-Zionism Blog
March 4, 2015 Groups Express Concern about George Washington University Swastikas Dr. Steven Knapp President 2122 I Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20052 Dear President Knapp, We are 19 Jewish and civil rights organizations representing hundred of thousands of supporters who are concerned for the safety and well-being of Jewish students on your campus. As you know, during the last week in February three swastikas were drawn […] Anti-Semitism Blog
March 2, 2015 The Boycott Israel Movement Stunts the Palestinian Economy While the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement seeks to cripple Israel’s economy and cultural, academic, and manufacturing industries, a recent story in Forbes Magazine highlights the true effects of the Movement: hardships for the Palestinian people and inflammation of any peace dialogue. The BDS Movement supports impairing economic ties between Israel and Palestine, seeking to […] Anti-Zionism Blog
February 26, 2015 ASUC Senate Passes Bill Condemning Anti-Semitism Fantastic news for UC Berkley’s Jewish students came this week. On Wednesday, February 25th, the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC) unanimously passed a bill in their senate that condemns campus anti-Semitism. Pushed forward by ASUC Senator Ori Herschmann and endorsed by prominent campus leaders like the ASUC President, the Jewish Student Union, […] Anti-Semitism Blog
February 23, 2015 Israeli Apartheid Week: Anti-Semitism 101 With the annual “Israeli Apartheid Week” (IAW) upon us, self-described “pro-Palestinian” activists everywhere are getting ready to participate in events that will inevitably be tainted by anti-Semitic rhetoric. This is a foregone conclusion for more reasons than can be listed here, but in order to highlight some of the major reasons, it is instructive to […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
February 23, 2015 National Survey Shows High Rate of Anti-Semitism on Campuses HARTFORD, Conn., February 23, 2015 – More than half of 1,157 self-identified Jewish students at 55 campuses nationwide who took part in an online survey reported having been subjected to or having witnessed anti-Semitism on their campuses, according to a new report issued jointly by Trinity College (Hartford, Connecticut) and the Louis D. Brandeis Center […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
February 21, 2015 Call for Papers on “The Ethics of Boycotting” “Public Reason,” which bills itself as a blog for political philosophers, has posted this new call for papers that may be of interest to ethicists and other scholars who are concerned about the BDS movement: CFP: The Ethics of Boycotting (special issue) Posted on Wednesday, 18 February 2015 by Yael Peled The increased visibility of the BDS movement […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
February 20, 2015 Jewish Studies Dept. at UC Davis Lines Up to Drink the KoolAid The Jewish Studies Department at UC Davis is sponsoring a staging of the anti-Semitic opera, “Klinghoffer’.” See Abraham H. Miller in LA Jewish Journal at http://www.jewishjournal.com/opinion/article/jewish_studies_to_bring_anti_semitic_opera_to_uc_davis Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
February 17, 2015 LDB Builds Law Student Chapter Initiative to Fight Anti-Semitism The Brandeis Center works to combat anti-Semitism on college and university campuses across the nation, through, research, public outreach, legal advocacy, and most recently, our law student chapters. In a major new initiative launched last year, LDB is working to create an ever-growing nationwide network of inaugural chapters for students at select law schools throughout […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
February 16, 2015 Academic Progressivism Descends into Moral Madness In the campus war against Israel, the all too familiar refrain from anti-Israel activists, many of whom form the loose coalition of groups and individuals spearheading the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, is that their quarrel is only with Israelis and their government’s policies, not with Jews themselves. But that specious defense has fallen […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
February 16, 2015 LDB Outraged by UCLA Treatment of Jewish Candidate This afternoon, the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law www.brandeiscenter.com expressed “outrage” at anti-Semitism within the University of California at Los Angeles’ Undergraduate Student Assembly Council (USAC). Blog