February 12, 2015 U.K. Anti-Semitic Attacks Reach New Levels Record levels of anti-Semitism were reported in the UK in 2014 by the The Community Security Trust, a Jewish security charity, according to The Guardian. The charity runs an incident hotline that reported 1,168 anti-Semitic incidents against British Jews, which has doubled since 2013. Last month, the UK released a report that indicated anti-Semitic activity was on […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
February 11, 2015 AAJLJ Speaker Series: Is Jerusalem in Israel? Join the American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists’s (AAJLJ) DC Chapter for an exciting luncheon event on Monday, February 23, 2015. This installment of the AAJLJ’s speaker series, called “Is Jerusalem in Israel? The Zivotofsky (Jerusalem Passport) Case,” features a member of our legal advisory board, Alyza D. Lewin. Ms. Lewin is AAJLJ’s president, a partner […] Blog Litigation
February 8, 2015 More’s at Stake Than Manners Just listen randomly to the lyrics of rap songs, and you’ll graphically understand that the age of Miss Manners—which started in this country when nineteenth-century Americans read etiquette books in imitation of their English Victorian betters—is long past. Yet there seems to be an attempt to revive the Court of Good Manners in at least […] Anti-Zionism Blog
February 6, 2015 Will Jewish Human Rights Consciousness Survive in the Virtual Future? Though Jews believe in the coming of the Messiah to set everything straight, I would argue that Judaism is a present-oriented religion in a praxis with the past. This is why Jews every year sit down at Passover to relive their liberation from Egypt—the ur-event that’s the blueprint for their future and the foundation of […] Blog
February 6, 2015 Fighting the Satanic Jew for Palestine The title of Daniel Jonah Goldhagen’s book on the resurgence of anti-Semitism in our time, “The Devil That Never Dies,” can also be read as a not-so-veiled allusion to the centuries-old demonization of Jews as devilish or satanic. What began in the Middle Ages was revived by the Nazis, and remains popular among today’s neo-Nazi […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
February 4, 2015 Who’s Behind the Rise of ISIS? According to Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei: “It is a few years now that it has been revived and strengthened with the plots of arrogance, with the money of some regional governments and with the schemes of the intelligence services of colonialist countries such as America, England and the Zionist regime… There is an undeniable point which […] Blog
February 3, 2015 Former Harvard President Larry Summers on Academic Freedom and Anti-Semitism Remarks of Lawrence H. Summers Columbia Center for Law and Liberty January 29, 2015: I am delighted to help inaugurate this forum on academic freedom. Academic freedom is essential if universities are to succeed in their missions of creating and disseminating knowledge. Universities excel when they are governed by the authority of ideas rather than […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog Free Speech and Academic Freedom
February 3, 2015 The Genocidal Nature of Anti-Israel Radicalism Reveals Itself at UC Davis In a morally coherent world, the chilling statement “Hamas & Sharia law have taken over UC Davis” would not have been spoken publicly, and certainly not by an elected student leader at an American public university. But in California, the veritable epicenter of academic anti-Israelism and its attendant stealth jihad, this statement, spoken last week by student leader […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
January 30, 2015 I’m Ready to Give Up Lettuce for Kale Because I am so pleased that First Lady Michelle Obama had the intestinal fortitude to stand tête découverte in Saudi Arabia. It’s not too much to hope she may yet place a wreath at Paris’ Hyper Cacher market. Anti-Semitism
January 30, 2015 The First of its Kind: UNGA Informal Plenary on Anti-Semitism By: Kayla Green, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Class of 2015 “It is up to you who are the faces of the world to be the architect of the house in which the Mother of all hates will see its face reduced” —Bernard-Henri Lévy, Keynote Speech at the General Assembly Meeting on the Rise of […] Anti-Zionism Blog
January 28, 2015 UN Human Rights Expert addresses LDB students at the UN By: Kenny Liebowitz In the week leading up to the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, the Louis D. Brandeis Center sought to expose and educate undergraduate and law students about the juncture between human rights and the Jewish people, within the United Nations. LDB arranged the unique opportunity […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
January 28, 2015 UK Report on Anti-Semitism Highlights Rising Tide and Government’s Strides By Dilia Zwart and Kenny Liebowitz The UK Home Secretary Theresa May recently proclaimed, “We must all redouble our efforts to wipe out anti-Semitism.” Her call to action came during a memorial service in London to remember those killed in the terror attacks in France this month, including four people in a kosher supermarket. May […] Anti-Semitism Blog
January 23, 2015 CFP: “Music as Resistance to Genocide” International Workshop — 26 October 2015, Los Angeles We have received the following CALL FOR PAPERS which may interest our readers: International Workshop “Music as Resistance to Genocide” Organized by the USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research in collaboration with the Thornton School of Music at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 26 October 2015, Los Angeles, CA The Center for Advanced Genocide Research at the USC […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
January 20, 2015 Moses, Mohammed, “Charlie Hebdo”—and Glenn Greenwald Blogger Glenn Greenwald vicariously shares Edward Snowden’s immortality for publishing the NSA leaks that ultimately led the ideologically-confused Snowden to become an intelligence asset of Vlad Putin. Not satisfied with this second-hand claim to fame, Greenwald then took it upon himself to repackage Snowden’s embarrassing revelations about the U.S. intelligence services into a bizarre expose […] Anti-Zionism
January 20, 2015 University of Chicago and Free Speech on Campus Earlier this month, the University of Chicago released a praiseworthy update to its policy on freedom of speech. The policy protects free academic discourse and speakers’ rights to address controversial topics, while also setting forth principles about students’ responsibilities to respect guest speakers and fellow students, and about the University’s need to prevent disruptions to […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog Free Speech and Academic Freedom
January 18, 2015 The French-Jewish Exodus From Scott Ott, “Exodus Chart: Shocking Graph Shows French Jews Fleeing to Israel in Historic Numbers” in PJ Media. Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
January 16, 2015 Brandeis Center Launches Winternship Program with Harvard This month, the Brandeis Center launched a new Harvard Winternship (or winter internship) Program based on a new model for January internships developed by Harvard College and the Harvard Club of Washington. In its inaugural year, LDB welcomes two Harvard students, David Leeds and Dilia Zwart, who will spend their winter break working for the […] Anti-Semitism Blog
January 16, 2015 LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus to Address The StandWithUS Anti-BDS Conference In response to readers’ questions, you may register for the event at this page of the StandWithUs website. Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
January 12, 2015 Brandeis University, Daniel Mael, and Freedom of Speech As the Washington Free Beacon reports, and as others have reported here and here, Brandeis University issued a “No Contact Order” (NCO) to student journalist and outspoken Israel-supporter Daniel Mael last week, which would have restricted his movements on campus. This order, which was immediately revoked this past Friday following an intense media outcry, comes […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
January 9, 2015 UKLI Israel Lawyers’ Trip We are forwarding a message received from the UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) which may be of interest: UKLFI and the UK Zionist Federation are organising a special legal tour in Israel from 12-16 February. They have an impressive program (or “programme” as they say over there), including visits to the Knesset, the Supreme Court, Ofer Military Court and Tel Aviv Commercial […] Blog
January 9, 2015 The NYT Publishes “All the News That’s Fit to Print” Except That Which Offends a Muslim Family in Brooklyn French President Hollande has just finished his address to the nation on the tragic finale of the new terrorist attacks expressing condolences to the hostage victims at the Parish kosher butcher shop, condemning anti-Semitism, and of course declaring that France’s latest national horror had “nothing to do with Islam.” In fact, there is no evidence […] Anti-Semitism Blog