November 24, 2014 Me and the “I” Word I understand—given many prior posts in which I have criticized the Mideast (not domestic) policies of the Obama Administration—that some, maybe many readers, of this blog may think my prior post was a call to impeach President Obama. When I intend to be critical, I don’t hide it. The post hardly mentioned Obama and did […] Blog
November 23, 2014 How Not to Protect the Constitution When a president usurps power and subverts the Constitution, the U.S. Constitution provides a remedy: impeachment and removal from office. Hyperbolic language calling a president a “tyrant” or “despot” by politicians who lack the courage to impeach because it’s politically inconvenient is demagogic and dangerous. Outside of our constitutional system, in the whirlpool of political […] Blog
November 18, 2014 Turning the Other Cheek to Appease Radical Islam . . . and getting your head cut off. Read an adulatory account of the self-martyrdom at the hands of the Islamic State of Peter “Abdul-Rahman” Kassig: Blog
November 18, 2014 Palestinian Terrorists Leave Their Mark on Intellectual History There are critics who claim that Arabs have never contributed anything much to intellectual progress, arguing that–despite a few astronomers and mathematicians–the achievements of the so-called “Islamic Renaissance” of the Middle Ages was generally the handiwork of a handful of Jews and Coptic and Nestorian Christians who often published using Arabic names. Yesterday with an […] Blog
November 16, 2014 The Return of the Malevolent Jew: The Academic Nazification of Israel “What if the Jews themselves were Nazis?,” mused French philosopher, Vladimir Jankélévitch in 1986. “That would be great. We would no longer have to feel sorry for them; they would have deserved what they got.” The recasting of Israelis, and, by extension, Jews as Nazis has, in fact, taken place, just as Jankélévitch envisioned. This […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
November 16, 2014 DC’s Pious Dean A Willing Dupe Breitbart News asked Dean of the National Cathedral, Gary Hall, whether it was appropriate to host Muslim prayers on the 100th anniversary of the last Caliph’s call for Jihad against nonbelievers, which resulted in the slaughter of innocent Christians. Hall responded, “I did not know that it was that anniversary. But knowing it now, it […] Blog
November 13, 2014 Hillary “Hadassah” Clinton That’s the contemptible Andrew Sullivan’s characterization of the implications of a Hillary presidency for U.S.-Israeli relations. See Aaron David Miller, “Would Hillary Be Good for the Holy Land,” “Foreign Policy,” at Blog
November 13, 2014 Obama’s “Special Relationship” with Israel in Action From “Even as he defiantly moves to unilaterally grant legal status to millions of people inside the U.S. illegally, President Obama’s State Department is making sure that such special favors are not meant for everyone. “The State Department’s unexplained refusal to extend a valid P1 visa currently held by an Israeli basketball player has […] Blog
November 12, 2014 Max Blumenthal Brings the BDS War to Berlin In my recent post on The Nation’s censorship of Eric Alterman – who had dared to mention the LDB Research Paper that documents Max Blumenthal’s anti-Semitism – I noted that the decision to delete Alterman’s reference might be connected to the criticism Max Blumenthal and his fellow anti-Israel activist David Sheen were encountering from some […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
November 10, 2014 Max Blumenthal And The Nation’s Standards Over the weekend, I was alerted to a tweet posted by Max Blumenthal, who announced that “.@thenation decided @eric_alterman’s promotion of far-rightist painting me as anti-Semite ‘did not meet…standards’.” The tweet was accompanied by a screenshot showing an “Editor’s Note” that can be found under one of Eric Alterman’s recent posts at his regular Nation […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
November 7, 2014 The Hamas Book Club Writing shortly after the publication of Max Blumenthal’s anti-Israel screed “Goliath” a year ago, Eric Alterman noted that it would be “no exaggeration to say that this book could have been published by the Hamas Book-of-the-Month Club (if it existed).” As demonstrated at yesterday’s rather lavish “Palestine Book Awards ceremony 2014” in London – honoring, […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
November 6, 2014 And You Think I’m Unkind to the Obama Administration? Lee Smith in the “Tablet”: The reason that the White House wants Iran to have a bomb is that it’s the quickest route to what it really wants—which is a larger regional accommodation with Tehran. . . . Another way to understand the upcoming new era in U.S.-Iran relations is as the age of Renfield. […] Blog
November 5, 2014 The 2014 Elections: Elephants, Donkeys, and Reptilian Mullahs The only “human rights concern” at stake in the 2014 Congressional elections was whether or not the Obama Administration would continue to enjoy U.S. Senate cover for its betrayal of Israel’s right-to-exist to soon-to-be-nuclear Iran. Fortunately, this fig leaf has been unceremoniously stripped away by a disgruntled American electorate. Now, the Obama Administration stands naked, […] Blog
November 1, 2014 Caution to Jews: Never Say the Obama Administration Has Accomplished Nothing “Jew” both as a noun and a verb (i.e., “to Jew”) has been an epithet at least since Chaucer introduced anti-Semitism into English literature. Believe it or not, there are roughly 100 like-minded slurs—probably even more than those aimed at Africans and African Americans. Here is just a partial list of nouns—some well-known, some not: […] Blog
October 31, 2014 A NEW HIGH: 3 CHAPTERS TO BE LAUNCHED IN ONE WEEK! A NEW HIGH: 3 CHAPTERS TO BE LAUNCHED IN ONE WEEK! By: Aviva Vogelstein The LDB law student chapter initiative continues to grow! The Brandeis Center is about to have its most successful law student chapter week yet — 3 chapters are scheduled to launch! On Monday, November 3, LDB attorney Aviva Vogelstein will launch […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
October 30, 2014 News Flash: Mr. Ed Eohippus Protests Treatment of his African Cousins In Maine, far from the ham-handed clutches of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, nurse Kaci Hickox is flaunting a government-ordered 21-day quarantine for exposure to Ebola. Bangor is also where, Mr. Ed—the star of that well-beloved sitcom from the 1960s, oldest living horse, and an equine whose pedigree can be traced back to the talking […] Blog
October 23, 2014 Foggy Bottom Improves on Pontius Pilate A three-month-old baby run down and murdered in Jerusalem by a Hamasnik who also injured eight others at a light rail station. In the evening, Palestinian rioters showed solidarity—with the baby killer. The U.S. State Department response: both sides should “remain calm.” Our State Department makes Pontius Pilate seem, morally, like a stand-up guy. Hollywood […] Blog
October 21, 2014 It Must Be “Better Than It Sounds” In an arguable judgment, Mark Twain said of Wagnerian opera that it must “be better than it sounds.” Michael Walsh’s scabrous, repulsive defense of “The Death of Klinghoffer,” being staged by the Met, elevates moral relativism into the Sermon on the Mount while at the same time denouncing critics of caricaturish anti-Semitism for the “dehumanization” […] Blog
October 18, 2014 Welcome to the New Generation of Educated Fools According to a new YouGov poll, among Americans, 18-29, 31 percent believe Islam is more more likely to encourage violence than other religions, 9 percent consider Islam less likely. The comparable percentages for Americans, 65 or over, are 65 percent and 1 percent. Apparently the Millennials have fully digested PC pablum served up by politicians, […] Blog
October 16, 2014 ISGAP’s Impressive Upcoming Roster ISGAP Seminar Series McGill Harvard Columbia Our friends at the Institute for the Study of Global Anti-Semitism and Policy have an impressive roster of speakers coming up at McGill, Harvard, and Columbia: October 20th, 6PM, McGill University Dr. Dahn Hiuni, Independent Artist and Adjunct Professor of Art and Art Education, School of Visual Arts, New York […] Anti-Semitism Blog
October 15, 2014 Where the Hell Are the Hell’s Angels When We Need Them? Responding to reports that members of Dutch motorcycle gangs are going to Iraq to join the Peshmerga and fight ISIS/ISIL, public prosecutor spokesman Wim de Bruin has announced that “joining a foreign armed force was previously punishable, now it’s no longer forbidden. . . . You just can’t join a fight against the Netherlands.” Head […] Blog