September 3, 2014 LDB Joins AMCHA and Others Urging University of California to Monitor SJP Actions at So-Called “International Day of Action” Earlier today, fifteen national organizations urged Chancellor Dirks of the University of California at Berkeley to monitor the behavior of Students for Justice for Palestine (SJP) and other student organizations involved in the so-called September 23 “Day of Action.” Blog
September 2, 2014 Groups Urge University of California to Monitor SJP Actions at So-Called “International Day of Action” Earlier today, fifteen national organizations urged Chancellor Dirks of the University of California at Berkeley to monitor the behavior of Students for Justice for Palestine (SJP) and other student organizations involved in the so-called September 23 “Day of Action.” The 15 organizations, representing hundreds of thousands of members and supporters nationwide, expressed deep concern about the safety […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
September 1, 2014 Obama’s Secret Weapon According to a commentary in the “Washington Post,” the right-wing nationalist cauldron in the Russian Federation is boiling over. Perfervid ideas include ethnically cleansing the Ukrainian “idiots” and a tactical nuclear weapon exploded over Warsaw: to show all Europe that NATO is “a paper tiger.” But Vladimir Putin may not have given sufficient weight to […] Blog
August 29, 2014 Ali Abunimah Advocates Solidarity With Hamas For many years, Ali Abunimah has been a prominent proponent of “pro-Palestinian” solidarity activism, and he is often invited to speak on US campuses. As a veteran professional activist, he usually delivers smooth presentations that tend to obscure the fact that his often invoked demands for “justice in Palestine” require the injustice of doing away […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 28, 2014 Breaking News: American “Boots on the Ground” in Syria No, not U.S. troops but at least 15 Somali jihadis from the Twin Cities, one of whom left behind nine children for taxpayers to support while he pursued his higher calling. No comment from Representative Keith Ellison (Dem-Minn), the chief Congressional apologist and cover up artist for the Minneapolis-Somalia and now Syria terror network. Blog
August 27, 2014 Is the U.S. Next? While everyday anti-Semitism has become part of the fabric of Western European life in a way it has not been since the 1930s, the situation in the U.S. is also becoming troubling. I would compare American manifestations of anti-Semitism to ugly boils on the body politic whose poisons have not yet entered the bloodstream. Here […] Anti-Semitism Blog
August 26, 2014 The Future Is Now In Ashkelon, 24 injured, some critically, by a “new missile” attack on an apartment house. Score one for the ayatollahs to whom the Obama Administration is providing c. $10 billion in “sanctions relief.” Clausewitz said that war is an extension of politics by other means. In the Middle East, war is an extension of anti-Semitism […] Blog
August 25, 2014 Brandeis Center Introduces Resource Guide for Identifying Anti-Semitic Behavior on U.S. College Campuses As the fall semester begins, The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law today introduced a resource guide to help promote civil discourse and prevent hateful and anti-Semitic activity on campuses. The LDB “Fact Sheet on the Elements of Anti-Semitic Discourse” was compiled in response to requests from U.S. university administrators who are seeking guidance […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 24, 2014 Hollywood Belatedly Stands Up For Israel Hollywood—once a bastion of pro-Israel support—is now honeycombed with “anti-Zionist,” boycott advocacy front groups like Artists Against Apartheid and Artists Without Borders. It’s nice to announce that the Creative Community For Peace—featuring some prominent personalities like Arnold Scharzenegger, actors Seth Rogan and Sylvester Stallone, comedians Bill Maher and Sarah Silverman, and director Ivan Reitman—have collected […] Blog
August 24, 2014 The “Tea Party” in the Streets of London We Really Have to Worry About The American “Tea Party” is not exactly my cup of tea. Well meaning, but too naïve about the necessity of countering evil with power abroad and containing poverty with melioration at home. But—contrary to its critics—it is as far removed morally as imaginable from the Darjeeling brew that’s the great lethal toxin of our time. […] Anti-Zionism Blog
August 24, 2014 “Evil” ISIS vs. “Not So Evil” Hamas Between the end of World War II and the end of the Cold War, many American liberals somehow forgot the reality of radical evil. Mao’s Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, Gulags in Vietnam and North Korea and to a lesser extent Cuba, punctuated by the Cambodian genocide and later genocides in the Balkans and […] Blog
August 23, 2014 Historians Against Isrel Recovering leftist scholar Ron Radosh calls the new anti-Israel petition signed by hundreds of anti-Israel historians in the U.S., with an added list of “international” fellow travelers, “Historians for Hamas.” I recognized only about ten names, but I’m no longer really plugged into the organized profession, and I’m sure the signers are representative of a […] Anti-Zionism Blog
August 22, 2014 Organizations Sign Statement Against Assault on a Student at Temple University We are deeply troubled by the physical assault against a Jewish student at Temple University. A CAMERA Fellow and member of the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, was punched in the face and knocked down and called “baby-killer, racist, Zionist pig” by individuals at the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) table that was part of […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 21, 2014 UNHRC Betrays Humans Rights and Israel According to the Prophet, “Thus saith the Lord, ‘let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream’.” (Amos 5:24) The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is a gutter overflow with the purpose of smearing and delegitimizing Israel. In pursuing this agenda, UNHRC has hit upon a strategy of using Jews, like […] Blog
August 21, 2014 Presumption of Innocence DOA in Some Circles Opinions differ, and will continue to differ, about what happened, and is happening, in Ferguson, Missouri. However, for an example for how respect for the presumption on innocence, at least in racially-charged cases, has eroded in liberal circles, see Yishai Schwartz, “Convicting Darren Wilson Will Be Basically Impossible,” in the “New Republic” at Blog
August 18, 2014 Obama Agonistes For a cogent analysis of the agony without ecstacy of Obama’s Mideast policy, See Walter Russell Mead at Blog
August 15, 2014 ISIS Really Loves Uncle Sam as Well as Robin Williams We now learn that ISIS has a human face, beyond the heads its cuts off and gives to seven year-olds to display in its Syrian-Iraqi Caliphate. There are Facebook postings, presumably by jihadi expats from the U.S. and Europe who either didn’t know about or don’t care about Robin Williams’ support for Israel. Instead, they […] Blog
August 15, 2014 Caligula or King Canute? Reports are that President Obama is about to declare victory on or over Iraq’s Mount Sinjar where tens of thousands of Yazidis and other minorities have been stranded in peril of starvation or slaughter. Supposedly, the President’s military advance men have told him that a few symbolic air strikes on exposed ISIS artillery pieces and […] Blog
August 15, 2014 Be Careful Lest the Entire UK Soon Becomes a “Sanity-Free Zone” MP George Galloway, notorious for his love affair (for which some of his services have been well-paid) with both the late Saddam Hussein and the current Iranian regime, recently declared that his district of Bradford should become “an Israel-Free Zone.” According to Galloway: “”We have declared Bradford an Israeli-free zone. We don’t want any Israeli […] Blog
August 15, 2014 Bottom Line on Existential Threats to Israel Carline Glick, deputy managing editor of the “Jerusalem Post,” masterfully analyzes the rising tide of global anti-Semitism, but then concludes: “Israel’s problem today is not the anti-Semitism of Western societies. It is the hostility of the Obama administration. . . . whereas David Cameron felt compelled by domestic political realities to turn on Israel, Obama […] Blog
August 14, 2014 From the Depths Paris’ sewers are no longer subterranean. They now surge through the streets befouling with a grotesque parody of multiculturalism a city whose architecture is still First World but, in terms of human capital or the lack thereof, is now irreversibly becoming part of the worst of the Third World. The Iranian people, if given the […] Blog