August 5, 2014 No World War I—No Holocaust? Questions swirl about the long shadow of “the guns of August” that erupted in August, 1914. Would there have been no Holocaust without WWI? Probably yes, but that is only one lesson of many that we should consider from the WWI-WWII nexus. Would it been better if the outcome in WWI were different? Niall Ferguson’s […] Blog
August 4, 2014 More Reflections on the Gaza War Through a Glass Darkly Is this the first war in human history—recent evidence shows that wars were also integral to prehistory—in which the measure of “justice” is how close you can conform your military operations to the civilian-free casualties inflicted by the “good guys” who play video games? Did you know that around 20,000 French civilians were killed in […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 4, 2014 J’Accuse: The World Needs to “Impose a Solution”—on France—for it Betrayal of French Jewry and the Values of French Civilization According to French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, “the world needs to impose a solution” on Israel to achieve Mideast peace. Of course, he gave lip service to “Israel security” without any concrete suggestions for curbing Hamas’ genocidal campaign against the Jewish state. He wants a two state solution—without any expression of concern that, unless the […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 4, 2014 “Moral Equivalency” vs. “Romantic Primitivism” I demur from those friends of Israel whose favorite mantra is that western media is guilty of “moral equivalency” for putting premeditated deaths which Hamas imposes not only on Israelis but its own people (including scores executed as “traitors” and thousands used as human shields) with the actions of the Israeli military that produce unintended […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 4, 2014 “The Protocols” Updated “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”—that seminal forgery at the beginning of modern anti-Semitism–was of course promulgated by the Okhrana, the Czarist secret police, though it was probably first composed in Paris. Twenty-first century anti-Semites—active in Europe, the U.S., and the Mideast including even Israel—are updating “The Protocols.” The notion of a a Netanyahu-Putin […] Blog
August 4, 2014 More “Lawfare” Against Israel’s Military Survival The “Haaretz” newspaper has emerged from its protective bunker, in which it remained safely ensconced during the height of the recent war when the Israeli public was uniformly in favor of crushing genocidal Hamas. Now, “Haaretz” has resumed its insidious campaign to delegitimate the Jewish state. A case in point: Michael Sfard’s “A ‘Targeted Assassination’ […] Blog
August 3, 2014 A Little Touch of Harry in the Night From the “Forward” on the “Jewish Harry Potter Facebook Page”: Under the heading “A Blow to the Death Eaters,” Snape informs Voldemort of an operational setback in their war with the wizarding establishment. Snape: “Bad news, my lord: the I.D.F. has discovered the tunnel between Borgin & Burkes and Hogwarts.” The leadership Israel needs now […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 3, 2014 Why Do Europeans Increasingly Hate Israel? Why does European opinion increasingly hate Israel? I think some reconsiderations may be in order. One starting point is to take seriously, at least up to a point, what post-modern European elites claim about their motives. First, anti-Semitism or Jew hatred is of course operative widely in Europe. But it is not wise to reify […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 2, 2014 Michael Walzer’s Failure of Nerve In “Israel Must Defeat Hamas, But Also Must Do More to Limit Civilian Deaths,” political philosopher Michael Walzer joins the chorus arguing that Israeli soldiers are guilty of “disproportionality” for killing Palestinian civilians—or rather those defined by the Hamascentric-orchestrated media as “civilians.” A generation ago, Walzer made a similar argument in “Just and Unjust Wars” […] Anti-Zionism Blog
August 2, 2014 Anti-Semitic Celebs Rain—and Reign—in Spain 100 Spanish celebrities—including Academy Award winners Penelope Cruz and Pedro Almodovar—signed a public letter a letter accusing Israel of genocide. A week earlier celebrated actor, Javier Bardem, whose speciality is playing psychopathic murderers and villainous hypocrites including a perverted inquisitor turned enlightened dictator, did the same in an newspaper op add explaining: “My son was […] Blog
August 2, 2014 The White House Should Blush Massive pro-Palestinian DC protest in front of Obama residence. Handful of pro-Israel demonstrators have to be bused away by police, ostensibly for their own protection, after unruly protestors pelt them with anti-Semitic invective and threaten worse. The Wagnerian climax: burning an Israeli flag. Among the rabble-rousers: Cornell African Studies Professor Cornel West. I knew him […] Blog
August 1, 2014 “Health Care” from Hamas and its Friends From “Commentary”: Yesterday three young Israeli soldiers, all in their early twenties, were killed by an explosion in one of Hamas’s many booby-trapped tunnels. This is just one example of the terrible price Israelis are paying as part of their efforts to keep their families safe from Islamist terrorism. But there is more to yesterday’s […] Blog
August 1, 2014 Undelivered Mail from the Vicinity of the Caliphate of “Dearbornistan” This reminds me of slavery times when Southern postmasters refused to deliver “abolitionist” mail. Now, postmasters in certain zip codes may be looking for an excuse to treat in the same way mail with the taint of “Zionism.” From the “Forward”: The metropolitan Detroit regional office of the U.S. Postal Service issued a clarification to […] Blog
August 1, 2014 A Special Place in Hell . . . is reserved from contributors to the “New York Review of Books” who write about Israel. Jonathan Freedland concludes a new piece on the “liberal Zionist” dilemma with the pontification: “They will have to decide which of their political identities matters more, whether they are first a liberal or first a Zionist.” No place for Jewish […] Blog
August 1, 2014 Kerry’s Ceasefire Our Secretary of State is off to India to teach Hindus and Muslims how to live together. The fruits of his peacemaking in the Mideast according to the “Jerusalem Post”: A Hamas attack on IDF soldiers in southern Gaza, which occurred an hour and a half after the start of a humanitarian truce, ended with […] Blog
August 1, 2014 U.S. Holocaust Museum Decries Recent European Anti-Semitism Yesterday, here in Washington, D.C., the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) issued a timely and cogent statement on the alarming recent spike of anti-Semitism in Europe: In the first half of the 20th century, the nations of Europe failed to protect their Jewish communities, leading to the murder of six million Jews. The United States […] Anti-Semitism Blog
August 1, 2014 What a Year for the Launch of Our Law School Chapters The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law launched law student chapters that will fill an important gap in American legal education, offer the opportunities that members seek, and provide a resource to other members of the university community. Many law students are eager to combine their legal training with their interest in […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
August 1, 2014 “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition” New Gallup poll shows church-going Americans significantly more pro-Israel. Among denominations, Jews lead followed by Mormons followed by Protestants followed by Catholics (I suspect because of strong anti-Israel bias among Hispanics, possibly Hispanic immigrants, as revealed by other polls). See Blog
August 1, 2014 Can Humpty Dumpty Put the Ceasefire Back Together Again? From the “Jerusalem Post”: While Obama suggested neither the US, nor the Israelis, are sure of exactly who perpetrated the attack– Hamas, so far, has denied holding an Israeli soldier in its custody – he said that Hamas’ ability to enforce a cease-fire relies on its ability to monitor the tunnels it has built to […] Blog
August 1, 2014 Sacrificed on the Altar of “Civilization” The conservative columnist Ramish Ponnuro suggests Palestinian civilians are not “bad guys.” He erects a straw man by selectively quoting some speakers at pro-Israel rallies revving up the crowd, and then sort of accuses historian Benny Morris of being a barbarian for suggesting that Israel, somehow, sometime, will have to crush Hamas for the Jewish […] Blog
July 31, 2014 Benny Morris Predicts the Next Gaza War An important, depressing piece by Benny Morris, founder of Israel’s Revisionist historians who no longer subscribes to pro-Palestinian Revisionism. I fear he’s right that Israel has already lost the current war politically, no matter the military outcome. I disagree only in that I think that the next war will involve a second front with Hezbollah–and […] Blog