July 30, 2014 Congratulations Are In Order Congrats to Batya Ungar-Sargon in “The Tablet” for demolishing the agitprop widely circulating on the Internet absolving Hamas from responsibility for the kidnap-murder of the three Israeli boys that started the current Gaza War. See “Did Israel Say Hamas Didn’t Kidnap Its Teens? No,” http://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/180617/did-israel-say-hamas-didnt-kidnap-its-teens-no?utm_source=tabletmagazinelist&utm_campaign=0abbc40465-Tuesday_July_29_20147_28_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c308bf8edb-0abbc40465-207025897 Postscript: See on Hamas’ links of the kidnap-murderers, see the […] Blog
July 29, 2014 Tilting at the Windmills of John Kerry’s Mind I suggest that Barbra Streisand, no doubt a John Kerry admirer, be invited to the State Department to sing her version of “The Windmills of Your Mind” (English lyrics by Alan Bergman and Marilyn Bergman). No need to update the lyrics: “Like a tunnel that you follow To a tunnel of it’s own Down a […] Blog
July 29, 2014 Apologies to the “New York Times” To paraphrase the Quran, if you hit a donkey over the head with a thick board, even that benighted creature will eventually see the light. For recent examples from the “New York Times”: Jodi Rudoren, “Tunnels Lead Right to the Heart of Israeli Fear,” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/29/world/middleeast/tunnels-lead-right-to-heart-of-israeli-fear.html?_r=1 Rukmini Callimachi, “Ransoming Citizens, Europe Becomes Al Qaeda’s Patron,” July […] Blog
July 28, 2014 UC Davis: The Louis D. Brandeis Center Approach to Preventing Threatening, Anti-Semitic Behavior When three Jewish students tried to speak at a November 2012 protest against Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense on the University of California, Davis campus, they were silenced with shouts of “Leave our space!” “Shame on you!” and “Long live the intifada!” The harassment only got worse. The protesters then started chanting “F**k Israel” and […] Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism Blog
July 27, 2014 The Horror of War and the Stench of Hypocrisy The “Wall Street Journal” recently ran what might be called a “war is hell” op edit page. The top half was devoted to Peggy Noonan’s reflections on WWI which ended forever “gentlemen’s wars”—first on the Western Front where Germany unconscienceably invaded neutral Belgium and “raped” its civilian population (though the numbers were paltry by WWII […] Blog
July 26, 2014 Gay Paree As the foreign ministers of the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Qatar, and Turkey meet in Paris to discuss possible extension of the Gaza humanitarian cease-fire, nobody has remarked that Turkey’s participation–given Prime Minister Erdogan’s recent characterizations of Israel as “worse than the Nazis”–is about as fair and helpful as Mussolini’s participation in Munich. Reports […] Blog
July 25, 2014 Mideast History According to John B. Judis In the latest “New Republic,” Judis explains that the Palestinian leadership has wanted peace since 1973, but peace was spurned–not only by the Israelis–but by “the American Secretary of State,” i.e., the Jew Kissinger. Blog
July 24, 2014 Marcus to Testify on Before Civil Rights Panel Tomorrow Tomorrow morning, LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus will testify on “Fighting Sexual Harassment in American Higher Education” before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights at a federal briefing on “Enforcement of Sexual Harassment Policy at Educational Institutions by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the Civil Rights Division of the […] Anti-Semitism Blog
July 23, 2014 LDB Urges Supreme Court to Protect Rights of Jerusalem-born Earlier today, the Brandeis Center presented the U.S. Supreme Court with an amicus curiae brief in support of Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, the petitioner in the so-called Jerusalem passport case, Zivotofsky v. Secretary of State. LDB, joined by several of the nation’s leading legal and foreign affairs scholars, defended the legality of the statute permitting persons born in Jerusalem […] Anti-Zionism Blog
July 23, 2014 Did FAA, State Department, and White House Coordinate Ban on U.S. Airlines Flying into Ben Gurion Aiport? Consult Lois Lerner’s Missing E-Mails State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told reporters she “would wholly disagree with that argument” that the moves are intended to put pressure on Netanyahu. “We issue travel warnings because one of our top priorities is protecting U.S. citizens overseas. I would note that in 2012, the department also issued travel warnings for Israel, the West […] Blog
July 23, 2014 Gianni Vattimo, Martin Heidegger’s Italian Spawn, Embraces Hamas’ Genocide Against Israel Italian philosopher Gianni Vattimo urges Europeans “to buy Hamas some more rockets” to “shoot those bastard Zionists” because Hamas’ current arsenal is limited to “toy rockets that don’t really kill anyone.” A self-styled gay-Catholic-Communist, Vattimo’s existentialist philosophy —rooted in that of Hitler’s favorite philosopher, Martin Heidegger—emphasizes “weak thought” as superior to “objective truth.” Vattimo also […] Blog
July 23, 2014 Taking It to the Streets in Italy Michael Ledeen in “PJ Media” has this comparative observation on Diaspora Jewish communities defending themselves: “The Italians faced an active neo-fascist movement after the war, and quickly figured out they could not rely on the state for decent security. Jewish leaders knew they would have to do it by themselves. Led by the chief rabbi […] Blog
July 23, 2014 Europe’s Three-Rings Circus of Israel and Jew Hatred: Latest Roundup UK: In a post that appeared on his Twitter feed, Liberal Democratic MP David Ward wrote, “The big question is – if I lived in #Gaza would I fire a rocket? – probably yes”, followed by another tweet shortly thereafter, that reads “Ich bin ein #palestinian – the West must make up its mind – […] Blog
July 23, 2014 LDB Urges Supreme Court to Protect Rights of Persons Born in Jerusalem Earlier today, the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law (LDB), a national civil rights organization, presented the U.S. Supreme Court with an amicus curiae brief in support of Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, the petitioner in the so-called Jerusalem passport case, Zivotofsky v. Secretary of State. Blog
July 22, 2014 Best Buddies: Obama and Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan President Obama’s critics picture him as a screw-up in venues as far removed as Putin’s Greater Russia (including increasing chunks of Ukraine), Assad’s always-open Syrian charnel house, imploding Iraq, Iran’s nuclear ninjadom, civic meltdown in Libya and continuing civil war in Sudan and Christian kidnappings in Nigeria, the late Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela-wide prison swamp, or […] Blog
July 22, 2014 Alternatives to Paralysis in a New Age of Pogroms Georgetown University Law Professor David E. Bernstein notes in the “Washington Post” that in France last week, “A group of anti-Israel demonstrators tried to storm a synagogue, but Jews had their own undercover agents at the protests so they could raise the alarm if any of the protestors started to engage in violence. They did […] Blog
July 22, 2014 New Flash: International Community Adopts Rube Goldberg Device Simon Wiesenthal Center Dean Rabbi Marvin Hier in a recent op ed in the “Jerusalem Post” compared the international community’s response to Hamas’ terror campaign to the clueless leaders of the legendary Jewish community of Chelm, built in a mountaintop, who—when their people began to fall off the mountain—responded by building a hospital at the […] Blog
July 21, 2014 Hamas Discovers That There Really Was A Holocaust According to guidelines that Hamas’ high command has issued as marching orders to its global robotic chorus: “Avoid entering into a political argument with a Westerner aimed at convincing him that the Holocaust is a lie and deceit; instead, equate it with Israel’s crimes against Palestinian civilians.” Other propaganda guidelines to convince the gullible: “Anyone […] Blog
July 21, 2014 The Limits of Empathy: “Eyeless in Gaza” From Ernest R. May’s “Lessons of the Past” (1973) to Yuen Foong Khong’s “Analogies at War” (1992) to Jeffrey Record’s “Making War, Thinking History” (2006), historians have argued about the use—and abuse—of historical analogies by decision makers. It is now conventional wisdom that Lyndon Johnson’s advisers were misled into going to war in Vietnam by […] Anti-Zionism Blog
July 20, 2014 Interesting Takes on the Shoot Down While a Russian government news agency—presumably to distract attention from Putin’s bloody fingerprints in Ukraine—joins the pummeling of Israel for its “slaughter” in Gaza, an anti-Semitic blogger, Wayne Madsen, claims that it is Tel Aviv that shot down the Malaysian plane to deflect attention, also from Gaza: “Ukrainian government, Russia, and Donetsk People’s Republic all […] Blog
July 20, 2014 Thinking About the Thinkable in the Mideast Ninety-year old Henry Kissinger is in the hospital for heart surgery. Herman Kahn—author of “Thinking About the Unthinkable” and an influence on Kissinger (along with Count Metternich and Bismarck)—is long dead. The contours of the unthinkable in the Mideast—Israel vs. Iranian nukes—are already clear. The question now is the thinkable in the short and intermediate […] Blog